world war 2

  • rape of nanking

    massacre in japan
    troops raped women
  • german blitzkrieg

    tactic that germany used in war to help win battles
  • germanys invasion of poland

    act that started ww2
    brought living space for the germans
  • fall of paris

    battle of france
    germany invaded them
  • pearl harbor

    japan attacked hawai
    u.s got in ww2
  • d-day

    began liberation of western europe
  • battle of iow jima

    battle that led to the u.s capturing low jima beacause
    japanies hurt america with pearl harbor
  • battle of okinawa

    aa series of battles on the islands of ryukyu
    we were brought into war do to damage done
  • ve day

    celebration to mark acceptence of ww2 allies
  • droping of the atomic bombs

    u.s droped atomic bombs on japan to end the war
  • vj day

    a holiday to celebrate that the war was over
  • battle of bulge

    a war campain that helped one side win battles