
World War 2 by AG and KN

  • Start of War

    Start of War
    The started when German assulted Poland.
  • September, 1939

    September, 1939
    Britian's P.M. declares war on Germany. The cause of this was because Germany sunk Britain's U-Boats and about 112 people died.
  • November, 1939

    November, 1939
    The Graf Spee sinks Africain Sheel oil tanker of the coast of Madagascar. On Novemeber 20, it makes a return on the Atlantic.
  • Terrible turn of Event's

    Terrible turn of Event's
    In 1940, it got worse for Allies as the Axis made favorable gains in Euope, Asia and Asia.
  • March, 1940

    March, 1940
    After months of fighting, the Finnish government accepted the surrender terms of the Russian proposal.
  • June, 1940

    June, 1940
    The German troops entered Paris ,as French appeal for the U.S. aid isdeclined. So then the French fortress at Verdun falls to the Germans.
  • Gremany invades Soviet Union

    Gremany invades Soviet Union
    Germany opens its Second Front to invade the Soviet Union. But on the other hand, Japan invites the United States in the war of Harbal.
  • April, 1941

    April, 1941
    Wellington aircrafts bombes German Port of Emden. The aircrafts are called bomber aircrafts.
  • April, 1941

    April, 1941
    The U.S have a combat action with the Germans. So the German U-Boats violated the U.S. security zone and the USS Niblack distoryer fires at the German U-Boats.
  • American Onborad

    American Onborad
    The allies go on the offensive in North Africa with Operation Torch Landing.
  • January,1942

    With the progress over the Germans making on several fronts, the Soviet forces launch another offensive to encircle Army Group Centre.
  • February,1942

    The Japanese assaulted which result's in the capture ofb 60,000 Allied prisoners against the cost of 2,000 Japanese soldiers.
  • Allied gain against the Axis Power

    Allied gain against the Axis Power
    The Allied showcased this, so by the end of the year Itlay wound fall.
  • January, 1943

    January, 1943
    The Soviet cut a path thorugh German lines. This made citzens walk some foot ration.
  • January, 1943

    January, 1943
    Japan began to withdraw their army.