World war 2

World War 2

  • Hitler Takes Power

    Hitler Takes Power
    Hitler used the treaty of Verailles to rally the German people saying that Germany was punished unjustly. Hitler was a drifting soldier after WW1 wondering Germany.
  • Neutrality Acts

    Neutrality Acts
    The first two acts outlawed the sale of arms or loans to warring nations. The third act extanded the ban on sales of arms to nations engaged in cival war.
  • German Invasion of Czechoslovakia

    German Invasion of Czechoslovakia
    The British and french gave into Hitlers demands and gave him the Sudetenland without a fight. Hitler promished this would be his last territorial gain but Whinston Churchill had warned it was not.
  • Munich Agreement

    Munich Agreement
    The agreement in which Britan and france agreed to let hitle anex the sudetenland. Chamberline returned to britan saying "My friends, there has come back from germany peace and honor. I belive it is peace in our time.
  • Germany Attacks Poland

    Germany Attacks Poland
    The Operation white (Germanys code name) attacked Poland on September 1, 1939. Germany won because of their 11 tanks compared to Poland’s one tank. they also had 400 fighters and 850 bombers. They attacked the north and south of Poland.
  • Battle of the Atlantic

    Battle of the Atlantic
    Was between 1939 to 1945 After Pearl Harbor Hitler orderd submarine raids along Americas east coast. By early 1943 American was producing 140 liberty ships each mont which outweighed the number of submarines the germans could replace air ships they could destroy. Germany blockaded America’s merchant ships to control the Atlantic. Then America sent naval ships to block Germany’s trade routes.
  • North African Front

    North African Front
    Was fought between the Allies and the Axis powers over the resources in North Africa.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    A month before six Japanese aircraft carriers sailed to the pacific in preparation for the attack. On an early morning on the 7th of December the attack commenced. Japanese bombers and pilots attack U.S. navy fleet in the Hawaiian Islands. The japanese launched an air raid on Oahu Hawii where the largest U.S navel base was at pearl Harbor. This attack brought America into the war. Three aircraft carriers survived at sea which was crucial to the wars outcome.
  • U.S. and Britain Join Forces

    U.S. and Britain Join Forces
    The U.S. and Britain join forces against Germany to stop Hitler from continuing his conquest.
  • The Manhattan Project

    The Manhattan Project
    United States raced to create a nuclear weapon of mass destruction to use during the war.
  • Doolittle's Raid

    Doolittle's Raid
    A daring raid on Tokyo lead by lieutenaunt colonel James Doolittle and 16 bombers. Americans wake up to headlines saying "Tokyo Bombed! Doolittle Do'od It". First U.S. attack on the Japanese in the Pacific that boosted the morale for the troops.
  • Battle of the Coral Sea

    Battle of the Coral Sea
    A naval battle in the Coral Sea between Australia and New Guinea, The Allies of the battle (Australia and America) were defending Port Moresby from being invaded by sea from the Japanese. The Japanese wanted to occupy Port Moresby and by doing so cut off America from Australia. Ultimately the battle was won by the Allies, although they lost more ships then the Japanese, the Japanese were forced to push back and recall their invation fleet.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    Naval battle on Midway atoll and a decisive American victory. Americans learned the Midway was Japans next target by cracking Japanese codes. The victory at midway was the starting point of the allies island hopping tactic.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    The largest battle on the Eastern Front and was disregarded for its brutality and massive civilian casualties. Streched from July 1942 to Febuary 1943 Was the turning point in Europe When the soviots launched a massive counter attck and pushed twards berlin Germany. Defending Stalingrad the soviets lost a total of 1,100,000 soldiers.
  • Italian Campaign

    Italian Campaign
    The Allies used special forces stationed in Italy to spy on the Italian government under Benito Mussolini.
  • War Plans

    War Plans
    Roosevelt and Churchill plan on what effective action they should strike against Hitler. THey had a three front war.
  • D-Day

    The Invasion of all northern France beaches under control of all the Germans. Largest military engagement ever in history. The massive allie invasion of Europe through France. The allies gatherd a force of nearly 3 million American, British, and Canadian troops.
  • Liberation of Death Camps

    Liberation of Death Camps
    Allies helped all Jewish people after they are gradually pushing through Europe against the Nazis.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    Allied Victory in the Ardennes mountains against the Germans (Also called the Ardennes Offensive). This was Hitlers last gasp offensive in order to try to break allie moral. By the end of the battle Germans lost 120,000 troops, 600 tanks and assulte guns, and 1,600 planes.
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    The big three discuss the reorganization of post war Europe (Stalin,Roosevelt,Churchill). The big three discused the fate of germany and the post war world for eight days in Yalta in the soviot Union. Roosevelt wanted stalins support for a peace keeping orginization to be called the United Nations.
  • Iwo Jima

    Iwo Jima
    U.S. captured the Island of Iwo Jima storming three Japanese airfields. Was fought from Febuary 19th to March 16th 1945. The island contained 20,700 Japanese soldiers in which only 200 survived leaving 6,000 marines dead. Iwo Jima was important to the US so they could have a base where heavily loaded bombers could reach Japan.
  • Roosevelt's Death

    Roosevelt's Death
    Roosevelt did not live to see V-E Day. While posing for a portrait in warm springs Georgia, Roosevelt slupmed over in his chair and had a stroke and died.
  • Nuremberg Trials

    Nuremberg Trials
    Trials against the defeated Nazi Germany after World War 2. The trials consisted of 24 surviving Nazi leaders. Of those 24 only 12 were sentenced to death the others sent to prison in later trials 200 more Nazis.
  • Unconditional Surrender

    Unconditional Surrender
    The Axis powers declared an unconditional surrender after World War 2 when they were defeated.
  • V-E Day

    V-E Day
    President Roosevelt did not live to see V-E Day. Hitler killed himself and had his body burned to avoid the disgrace of capitulation. A week after Hitlers death Eisenhower accepted the unconditional surrender of the Third Reich.
  • Occupation of Japan

    Occupation of Japan
    Allied forces occupied Japan until the end of 1952 to make sure that they didn’t remain hostile. They were then released and have remained an independent country.
  • Battle of Okinawa

    Battle of Okinawa
    Codenamed Operation Iceberg was an allied victory and the largest amphibious assault in the Pacific War. By the time the battle had ended more than 7,600 americans had died and 110,000 Japanese soldiers died. Due to Okinawa the allies decided not to invade Japan seeing the Japanese die for a little island forcasted an invasion of the mainland.
  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    The U.S. drop the atomic bomb on the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Hiroshima was an important japanese military center. The second atomic bomb dropped on Japanese soil was Nagasaki. This bomb was smaller than the one dropped on Hiroshima but still managed to kill an estimated 200,000 people. After the second bombs drop Emperor Hirohito told his military leaders to draw up surrender papers.
  • V-J Day

    V-J Day
    V-J Day was declared because the Japanese Emporer was horrified at the distruction of the atomic bombs america had unleashed. On September 2 formal surrender cerimonies took place on the U.S battle ship Missouri in Tokyo Bay. Macarthur says today the guns are silent.