world war 2

By gaf6332
  • Holocaust

    The Holocaust was a slaughter commited by the Germans who thought they were the "superior race", so they killed all the Jews and other religions. They would put them in concentration camps and then killed them through torture or surprise attacks. 2/3 of the Jews in Europe were slaughtered. ... It was terrible...
  • Germany invaded Poland

    Germany invaded Poland
    Hitler invaded Poland in September 1939. Soon after, Britain declared war on Germany . After conquering Poland, Germans attacked France.Then in June 1940, France buckled under the force of the attacks. Then the Nazi's invaded most of Europe. Only Britain was not defeated.
  • Eagle day

    Eagle day
    In early August 1940, Hitler made the decision to bomb Great Britian so he could eventually overpower them easily. Germany sent 1400 of their prized bombers and fighters against Great Britain. It was not a succesful mission for the Germans though, as they only brought down 13 British fighters while they lost three times as many of their own planes . This is important because it started Germany's long siege of Great Britain.
  • The London Blitz

    The London Blitz
    Germany decided to shift most of its millitary focus to great Britain's major cities such as London an England so they could destroy their morale and take over the country. Great Britian lost thousands of people but would not give up. Since Germany could not easily capture great britian the blitz lost its intensity although it kept going as they turned their sights on Russia.
  • Italy vs. Greece

    Italy vs. Greece
    The Italian forces ,after becoming allied with Hitler, set out to take much of the mediteranian area. Italy made a mistake by attacking Greece without telling Hitler so he could give support. Greece is a mountinous territory and has a formidable army and soon after the initial invasion pushed Italy back to its borders and then Britain and Greece bombarded it.
  • Stalingrad

    4 million Nazi's poured into Russia destroying their defenses with pure numbers. The NAzi's were completely terrorizing Russi and the deffenders were awfully close to losing when winter came. During winter the German's werent wearing winter clothing and it was a harsh winter. As the Germans were freezing to death the Russians orgainized there remaining solideres and launched a raid at the Germans in Russia scattering them across the border.
  • The battle for Moscow

    The battle for Moscow
    As the Germans approached moscow they encountered rows of trenches dug by the Russians by hand as they had dug 5,000 miles of them around moscow. The German forces were stopped in their tracks by these trenches and the Russian defense and freezing weather pushed them away and gave the Russians new hope as they closed in on the Germans forcing the Germans to lose a massive amount of men and then the Germans had to assume the defensive.
  • Battle of midway

    Battle of midway
    After the bombing of Pearl Harbor Japanese forces invade the eastern part of Asia attacking from land and sea. Then Japanese forces started moving towards America so we brought a few aircraft carriers over to them and met them in a huge battle in the pacific where America demolished hundreds of Japanese plains. Soon after we were on the offensive and invaded Japan.
  • D-day

    The allied forces made an attack against Germany in Norwaday. Thousands of transports held an army to raid norwaday beaches. The Germans had been given false information about a landing near calais rushed troops to the area and were not able to prevent allies from breaking in.
  • Germans surrender!!!!!!!!!!

    Germans surrender!!!!!!!!!!
    German forces in Holland and Denmark surrendered to General montgomery . Heath Admiral Donitz, whom Hitler had nominated as his successor,wanted to reach the agreement where the Germans would surrender only to the West allies but still fight with Russia, his offer was declined.