
World Events and News during Berkoff's Life

  • Steven Berkoff is born

    Steven Berkoff is born
  • World War II Begins

    World War II Begins
  • D-Day

  • Hitler Commits Suicide and Germans Surrender

    Hitler Commits Suicide and Germans Surrender
  • The Big Bang Theory is formulated

    The Big Bang Theory is formulated
  • NATO established

    NATO established
  • Princess Elizabeth crowned as Queen

    Princess Elizabeth crowned as Queen
  • McDonalds is founded

    McDonalds is founded
  • Disneyland Opened

    Disneyland Opened
  • James Dean dies in a car accident

    James Dean dies in a car accident
  • Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat on a bus

    Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat on a bus
  • Brecht dies

  • Space Race begins

    Space Race begins
    Sputnik launches the space race
  • NASA is founded

    NASA is founded
  • Coronation Street first aired

    Coronation Street first aired
  • Berlin Wall Built

    Berlin Wall Built
  • First person killed trying to cross the Berlin Wall- Gunter Liftin

    First person killed trying to cross the Berlin Wall- Gunter Liftin
    He was 24 years old and was shot by police, near the railway station of Berlin Friedrichstrasse, when he tried to get into the West.
  • Marilyn Monroe dies

    Marilyn Monroe dies
  • Matin Luther King "I had a dream" speech

    Matin Luther King "I had a dream" speech
  • England win World Cup

    England win World Cup
  • Australian Prime Minister- Harold Holt- disappears

    Australian Prime Minister- Harold Holt- disappears
  • Neill Armstrong becomes the first man on the moon

    Neill Armstrong becomes the first man on the moon
  • The Beatles break up

    The Beatles break up
  • Munich Massacre at the Olympics

    Munich Massacre at the Olympics
  • U.S. pulls out of Vietnam War

    U.S. pulls out of Vietnam War
  • Microsoft Founded

    Microsoft Founded
  • Elvis Presley found dead

    Elvis Presley found dead
  • Margaret Thatcher becomes first female Prime Minister of Engand

    Margaret Thatcher becomes first female Prime Minister of Engand
  • Mother Theresa wins Nobel Peace Prize

    Mother Theresa wins Nobel Peace Prize
  • The Falkland Islands are invaded

    The Falkland Islands are invaded
  • E.T. released

    E.T. released
  • Metamorphosis aired as a TV film on BBC

  • Laurence Olivier dies (one of Berkoffs influences)

    Laurence Olivier dies (one of Berkoffs influences)
  • Berlin Wall Demolished

    Berlin Wall Demolished
  • Mandela freed from life imprisonment

    Mandela freed from life imprisonment
  • Mandela voted President of South Africa

    Mandela voted President of South Africa
  • Sean Reilly is born

    Sean Reilly is born
  • Friends is aired

    Friends is aired
  • Frankie Chilvers is born

    Frankie Chilvers is born
  • Princess Diana dies in Paris

    Princess Diana dies in Paris
  • 9/11 bombings

    9/11 bombings
  • Iraq War starts- causes global protests.

    Iraq War starts- causes global protests.
  • McFLY formed

    McFLY formed
  • Facebook is created by Mark Zuckerburg

    Facebook is created by Mark Zuckerburg
  • Tsunami in Asia

    Tsunami in Asia
  • 7/7 bombings in London

    7/7 bombings in London
  • Barack Obama becomes first black American President

    Barack Obama becomes first black American President
  • Osama Bin Laden announced dead

    Osama Bin Laden announced dead