Wind Turbine Evolution

  • The First Wind Turbine

    The First Wind Turbine
    James Blyth, a Scottish professor build the world's first electricity producing wind turbine. It powers his home for 25 years!
  • Period: to

    Evolution of Wind Turbines

  • Wind Electrician Society

    Wind Electrician Society
    The Society of Wind Electricians is founded so the pionners of wind electricity could share and improve designs.
  • Jacobs Wind Factory

    Jacobs Wind Factory
    The Jacobs Wind Factory opens in Minneapolis, U.S.A, and builds wind turbines for use in farms. Electricty produced helps power batteries and lighting. This is the fisrt wind turbine factory.
  • MegaWatt Turbine

    MegaWatt Turbine
    The world's first one MegaWatt wind turbine is built in Vermont U.S.A.
    It is named the Smith-Putnam wind turbine afters its creators
  • Gedser Wind Turbine

    Gedser Wind Turbine
    The Gedser Wind Turbine is built in Gedser, Denmark. The revolutionary 3-bladed design produces 200KiloWatts of Power!
  • NASA Experimentation

    NASA Experimentation
    In the early 1970's NASA decides to research into commercial uses of wind power. To do this they study the effects of 13 wind turbines placed throughout the state of Ohio.
  • First Windfarm

    First Windfarm
    The world's first Windfarm opens in New Hampshire, U.S.A, housing 20 wind turbines.
    Sadly the project is a massive failure as the turbines were unrliable.
  • Offshore Windfarms

    Offshore Windfarms
    The world's first offshore Windfarm opens off the coast of Vindeby, Denmark. Eleven 450KW turbines are installed and are a roaring success in a windy part of the North Sea. Denmark to this day still remains a powerhouse in wind energy and its tecthnological advances!
  • MacArthur Wind Farm

    MacArthur Wind Farm
    The MacArthur Wind Farm, the southern hemispehere's largest, opens in South West Victoria. The Farm produces electrical power for a whopping 220,000 Victorian households!
  • Present TIme

    Present TIme
    Right now wind power is still a growing source of energy, over 100 years after its invention. But the future looks good for this renewable power source, with billions being invested into the industry as we speak.