William Penn

By mdubose
  • Period: to

    William Penn

  • Lord Baltimore Claims Maryland

    Lord Baltimore claims land for Catholics. Maryland was now strictly devoted to their religion.
  • Birth Date

    William Penn is born in London, England
  • Expelled from Oxford

    Penn is expelled for having his own church services in his room.
  • Massachusetts Churches Allow Baptism for Prents who Aren't Members

    Penn didn't cause this, this is an example on how this freedom allows people to get baptised who aren't as fortunate
  • Penn Leaves for a Tour

    Penn is sent off with the Earl of Crawford fro a grand tour of England. His father set this up in hopes that he will forget about his own religious beliefs.
  • Penn Coverts to Quaker

    After returning to Shangarry a year before, Penn becomes a devoted Quaker
  • William Penn Marries

    Willaim Penn is married to Guilielma Maria Stewart
  • Penn Contriibutes to "Concessions and Agreements"

    Penn Contributes to the "Concessions and Agreements" a movement dedicated to religious freedom
  • Penn Signs an Indian Treaty

    Penn signs a treaty that states indians will not harm Penn, or his land purchased by his small fortune.
  • Signs a Second Treaty

    The second installment of the treaty is signed, perserving the agreement.
  • King Charles Revokes Massachusetts's Charter

  • Imprisoned his Final Time

    After refusing to pay debt, Penn is sentenced to a year in prison. However, his followers reason with the judge. He is later released.
  • Penn is Released Early

    Penn is released early because of his companions that reasoned with the judge.
  • Penn Dies

    Penn is buried at Jordans next to his wife.