W583h583 56703 william golding and the nobel prize in literature 1983

William Golding Timeline

  • William Golding was born

    William Golding was born
    He was born Saint Columb Minor, Cornwall, England. His zodiac sign is a Virgo. He was raised in a 14th-century house next door to a graveyard. His mother was an active suffragette who fought for women’s right to vote. His father worked as a schoolmaster.
  • William Golding started teaching.

    William Golding started teaching.
    He started teaching English and Philosophy. He taught in Salisbury. Golding’s experience teaching unruly young boys would later serve as inspiration for his novel Lord of the Flies.
  • William Golding graduated

    William Golding graduated
    Golding graduated from Oxford. He graduated with a bachelor of arts in English and a diploma in education.
  • Period: to

    Golding worked in a theater

    Golding worked as a writer, actor, and producer in the theater. He considered the theater his strongest literary influence.
  • Golding temporarily lrft teaching to join the Royal Army

    Golding temporarily lrft teaching to join the Royal Army
    While in the Royal Navy, Golding developed a lifelong romance with sailing and the sea. Like his teaching experience, Golding’s participation in the war would prove to be fruitful material for his fiction.
  • First novel published

    First novel published
    His first novel is Lord of the Files. The publisher of Lord of the Files is "Faber and Faber" This book had 12 rejections.
  • He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Litature

    He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Litature
    William Golding is a British novelist. He wrote Lord of th Files.
  • William died.

    William died.
    By 1962, the novel had sold over 65,000 copies and was required reading at many colleges. Stephen King has been heavily influenced by the novel. So William Golding isn't forgotten. He died of a heart attack.