William golding

William Golding

By DRV04
  • William Goldings' Birth

    William Gerald Golding was born in Cornwall, England.
  • Gioldings' education

    Golding began attending Brasenose College at Oxford in 1930. Golding spent two years studying science, and in his third year he began studying his true interest, literature.
  • Graduation

    Golding graduated from Oxford with a Bachelor of Arts in English and a diploma in education.
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    Career and Later Years

    Golding worked as a writer, actor, and producer with a small theater in an unfashionable part of London. He considered his theater his strongest literary influence.
  • Career and Later years

    Golding began teaching English and philosophy in Salisbury at Bishop Wordsworth's School.
  • Family

    He married Ann Brookfield, with whom he had two children. His two children were Judy Carver and David Golding.
  • Army Service

    Golding spent five years in the Royal Navy during World War II.
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    During Army Service

    During his army service, Golding wrote many novels. Golding wrote about the incredible cruelty and barbarity of which humankind is capable.
  • After Army Service

    Golding remained in the teaching position until 1961 when he left Bishop Wordsworth's School to write full time.
  • Death

    Golding sadly passed away in Cornwall, England 1993.