
William Golding

  • A New Soul

    A New Soul
    William Golding was born this day. Rejoice, rejoice!
  • Career

    William decided to follow his fathers footsteps after college. He taught English and philosophy at Wordsworth's School in Salisbury (steak.)
  • Rejection

    In 1954, when attempting to publish The Lord of the Flies, William got his novel rejected 21 separate occasions. His novel was edgy and embodied the idea of children being left alone, wrecked on an island, and forced to survive in a tribal mannerism.
  • Departure

    On June 19, 1993, in Parrenarworthal, Cornwall, England, William Golding died. Having won a Nobel prize in literature, it is safe to say that he lived a plentiful life.
  • Acceptance

    Many years after The Lord of the Flies was finally published, William procured a movie, which won many nominations. After he won these nominations, William was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in England.