Waterhouse Hawkins

  • Meets Richard Owen

    Richard Owen is the scientist that helped Waterhouse make a vision of the dinosaus.
  • Does research for project

    Waterhouse looks for cluses about what the dino should look like.
  • Creates First Dino

    Waterhouse is creating the first dino sculpure. This process has 5 steps that take a long time.
  • Shows The Queen

    Waterhouse shows Queen Victoria his Dino for the Cystal Place.
  • Waterhouse's dinner Party

    Waterhouse had to prepare to show his dino to important scientists. He threw a dinner party. The people were very impressed.
  • Works on dino skeleton

    First one ever.
  • Presents at Crystal Palace

    Dino goes to palace.
  • Waterhouse travels to America

    Waterhouse moved to America to work on the first full dino skeleton.
  • Works on more sculptures

    He does some for New York City.
  • Waterhouse's Work Destroyed

    His workshop was robbed and destroyed. Now his work is buried in Central Park.