Wagner history of healthcare timeline

  • Period: 4000 BCE to 3000 BCE

    Early begins

  • 3900 BCE

    Disease caused by?

    Evil spirits
  • 3600 BCE

    Treatments for sick

    Herbs and plants.
  • Period: 2999 BCE to 300

    Ancient Times

  • 2900 BCE

    Health records

    They called god to heal them also learned to identify certain diseases
  • 1900 BCE

    Ancient chinese

    The development of acupuncture let us treat illness and disease with stone tools
  • 900 BCE

    Ancient Greeks

    Illness cause by nature or spiritual: Illness may have more natural rather than spiritual. Dissection: religious custom did not allow bodies to be dissected. Hippocrates: base knowledge of anatomy and physiology and external body.
  • 100

    Ancient Roman’s

    Sanitation systems: water ways ( bringing water)to the city and sewers where build for waste. Public baths were also added at this time. Organize medical care :
    The Romans were the first to have an organize medical care. Also sent medical equipment and physicians with armies and their friends. Hospital development: buildings were hospitals for people to go to when there sick.
  • Period: 400 to 800

    Dark age

    Stoped the study of medical in 500 AD ? Roman Empire was conquered by the Huns. Which stopped the study of medicine How do they treat diseases? With vaccines and medications.
  • Period: 800 to 1400

    Middle age

    Epidemics (1100)AD : the epidemics caused millions of deaths with the bubonic plague ( Black Death) killed 60 million people alone.
  • Period: 1350 to


    Rebirth (1450 AD) Universities: medical schools for research The acceptance of dissection of the body for medical study. Books give us more knowledge and research about the body and illness.
  • Period: 1500 to

    16th and 17th centuries

  • 1515

    Leonardo de Vinci

    Leonardo de Vinci
    Leonardo de Vinci :found out how anatomy works
  • 1550

    Gabriele fallopius

    Discovered the fallopian tubes
  • 1563

    Bartolommeo eustachio

    Discovered the Eustachian tube ( a tube that runs from the ear to the throat.
  • William Harvey

    Understanding of physiology and the circulation of blood like heart pumping.
  • Antonie von Leeuwenhoek

    Invented the microscope and found tooth decay also how it forms.
  • Apothecaries

    trading drugs and spices in the east
  • Period: to

    18th century

  • Benjamin Franklin

    Discoveries colds and how they spread
  • Medical students learning

    Medical students are learning anatomy in the body and cures for sickness.
  • Joseph Priestley

    Discovered the element of oxygen
  • Edward Jenner

    Edward Jenner
    Discovered a vaccine for smallpox
  • Rene laennec

    Invented the stethoscope ( the first stethoscope was made out of wood) the stethoscope increased the ability to hear lungs and heart.
  • Period: to

    19th and 20th centuries

  • Ignnaz Semmelweis

    Identified the cause of childhood fever(puerperal fever) large numbers of women died from the puerperal fever.
  • Florence nightingale

    Had an interest in caring for people and gain experience by volunteering in hospitals during the Crimean war.
  • Louis Pasteur

    Known as the father of microbiology discovered that tiny microorganisms were everywhere also found out that pasteurization kills bacteria in milk also created a vaccine for rabies.
  • Dimitri lvanovski

    Discovered that are caused by microorganisms that can only be seen with a microscope. Also discovered that chicken pox’s,measles,rabies and influenza. Was diseases caused by viruses.
  • Joseph lister

    Learned the discovery that microorganism cause infections. Carbolic acid was used on wounds to kill germs
  • Ernst von bergmann

    Developed asepsis and did research that germ caused infection in wounds.
  • Robert Koch

    Discovered many disease-causing organisms. Also discovered the development of culture plate method( isolated bacteria)
  • Paul ehrlich

    Discovered that chemicals can fight to kill disease. Completed 606 experiments to treat syphilis
  • Wilhelm roentgen

    Wilhelm roentgen
    Discovered the x-ray in 1895 toke the first picture of the x-ray using a hand.
  • Freud sigmund

    Discovered the conscious and unconscious part of the mind. Studied the effects of the unconscious mind on the body. Studied the psychological and psychiatry.
  • Ben Carson

    Performed on separating Siamese twins also performed hemispherectomies ( surgeries on the brain to stop the brain from seizures)
  • Alexander Fleming

    Discovered that penicillin kills life threatening bacteria.before penicillin people died form pneumonia,gonorrhea and blood poisoning. Cause there was nothing to fight off the illnesss before.
  • Gerhard domagk

    Discovered sulfonamide compounds.(first medication) to kill bacteria.
  • Christian Barnard

    Christian Barnard
    Performed the first successful heart transplant
  • Albert Sabin

    Discovered using a live polio virus vaccine was more affected. The vaccine is now used today to immunize babies against the disease.
  • Jonas Salk

    Discovered the polio virus which is a virus that paralyzes thousands of adults and children and attacks the most active people.
  • Period: to

    Twenty first century

    In the twenty first century healthy doesn’t mean just physical health it also means mental too. Also now when you have a surgery’s you go home the same day. Another thing that happened in the 21st century was many vaccines such as the first influenza vaccine in 2003 then the first human papilloma viruses which is a vaccine for cervical cancer.
  • Francis cricks and James watsons

    Francis cricks and James watsons
    Discovered the DNA molecule structure based on the double helix. Also discovered how DNA replicates and how hereditary information is coded on it. They won a Nobel prize in medicine for this discovery.
  • Who are physicians

    In 2900 BC prisests were physicians who toke care of people
  • How did people heal

    With physicians and medicines
  • Medicines used today

    Digitalis : comes from a foxglove plant, taken as a pill to help treat heart conditions. Quinine: bark from a cinchona tree, helps fevers and relieve muscle spasms also helps prevent malaria. Belladonna and atropine :made from poisonous night shade plant that relieve muscle spasms and GI ( gastrointestinal pain ). Morphine: from opium poppy treating severe pain, can be addicting only used when nothing else works.