Voting Rights in the U.S. - Timeline

  • 1789 - Constitution is ratified

    the constutition was fixed giveing the right to vote to let all white land owners to vote (men)
  • 1810 - Religious qualifications dropped

    now people can vote regardless of their religious views
  • 1850 - Property requirements dropped

    the government let people who did not owne land vote.
  • 1867 - 15th Amendment

    the 15 admendment says that all races of people can vote
  • 1920 - 19th Amendment

    the 19th admendment says that you can vote if your a man or a woman
  • 1964- 24th Amendment

    the 24 admendment bands poll tax.
  • 1965 - Voting Rights Act of 1965

    MLK brings the atenyion to let the black people vote
  • 1971- 26th Amendment

    the 26 admendment set the voteing age at 18
  • 1961- 23rd Amendment

    the 23 admendment says it alows the districk of Colubeia to vote in the U.S elections