Voting Changes

  • Only white landowners can vote

    Only white landowners can vote
  • States choose who can vote

    States choose who can vote
  • "Free white" Immigrants granted citizenship

    "Free white" Immigrants granted citizenship
  • Voting expands to all white men

    Voting expands to all white men
  • Former slave granted citizenship

    Former slave granted citizenship
  • All 21 year old white men can vote

    All 21 year old white men can vote
  • The right to vote expands to all races

    The right to vote expands to all races
  • Women gain right to vote

    Women gain right to vote
  • Natives born in us gain citizenship

    Natives born in us gain citizenship
  • D.C. voters can vote in presidential election

    D.C. voters can vote in presidential election
  • Poll taxes are outlawed

    Poll taxes are outlawed
  • Discriminatory voting practices outlawed

    Discriminatory voting practices outlawed
  • Voting extended to anyone 18+

    Voting extended to anyone 18+