u.s. history timeline

  • james town

    The first permanet english settlement,
  • virginia house of bugesses

    first time of representatives in colonies
  • Mayflower Compact

    signed by the pilgrums when they created the settlement plymouth
  • fundemental orders of conn.

  • Period: to

    French and Indian war

    The war between britian and the british colonies v.s. france and the native americans
  • Period: to

    french and indian war

    the war was a clsh between the french and the english over colonial territoryand wealth
  • proclamation of1763

    issued by king george the tird following great britains acquisition of french territory in north america after french and indian war
  • currency act

    you could only get mony by trading with britain
  • stamp act

    extracted revenue from american colonies by imposing a stamp duty on newspapers and legal and commercial documents
  • townshed act

    they wre desighned to collect revenue from the colonist in america by putting customs duties on impoted of glass lead,paper ,tea, and paints
  • boston massacre

    british army soldiers killed five men that were unarmed
  • boston tea part

    desgised as american indians destroyed the entire supply of tea sent by the east indian company
  • tea act

    american colonist could not buy tea unless it was from that company why? because the east indian company wasnt doing so well and the british wanted to give it some more business
  • intolerable acts

    series of laws sponserd by british prime minister lord north and enacted in 1774 in response to the boston tea party
  • 1st continental congress

    a group of 56 delegates from 12 colonies (all except Georgia) who met in Philadelphia in September of 1774. They came together to act together in response to the Intolerable Acts
  • battle of lexington and concord

    was the first battle that started the american revolutionationary war
  • 2nd continental congress

    two groups of people from all over the 13 colonies who came together to discuss liberty
  • declaration of independence

    letter to the king of england
  • battle of saratoga

    turning point of the revolutionary war
  • valley forge

    a ticonderoga class cruiser in the US navy, where the continetal army camped during one winter in the american revolution
  • articles of confederation

    the agreement made ny the original thirteen states establishing a confederacy to be known as the U.S.
  • battle of yorktown

    was a descisive victory by a combined force of american continental army troops led by george washington
  • Treaty of paris

    American Revolution ends
  • constitutional convention

    the convection of united states statesmen who drafted the us constitution
  • 3/5 compromise

    a compromise between southern and northern states, three fiths of the enumerated population of slaves whould be counted for rep purposes
  • great compromise

    was an sgreement that large and small states reached during the constitutional convention
  • written constitution

  • washington takes office

  • bill of rights

    first ten amendments of the constitution
  • genet affair

    french embassador to the united ststes during the french revolution
  • whiskey rebellion

    taxed people who made whiskey
  • pinckneys treaty

    established intenions of friendship betw een the US and spain
  • jays treaty

    was a treaty between us and england that is credited in averting war war
  • adams takes office

  • xyz affair

    three french ministers
  • alien and sedition acts

    four bills passed by the federalists in the 5th
  • quasi war begins

  • jefferson takes office

  • louisiana purchase

    territory in the western us purchase from france for 15 million
  • marbury vs madison

    landmark untited states surpreme court case judicial review
  • lewis and clark expedition

    the first amarican expedition to cross what is now western portion of the US
  • embargo act

    was imposed in response to violations of the US
  • mcCulloch vs maryland

    landmark desion by supreme court of the us maryland attepted to imprede operation of branch
  • gibbons vs ogden

    the court said the federal commerce clause in effect outranked a state law that had granted a molopoly to one group of people