
Twin Time Troubles

  • Partners for Life

    Partners for Life
    After dating for a few years, Mom and Mommy decide to engage in a domestic partnership, dedicating themselves to each other for life.
  • New Times, New Home

    New Times, New Home
    With plans to become pregnant and begin a family, Mom and Mommy move into a new apartment in Milwaukee.
  • Artificial Insemination

    Artificial Insemination
    Mom is artificially inseminated to achieve pregnancy with her partner, Mommy. During this procedure, semen is introduced directly into Mom's uterus so that the semen could fertilize an egg. In this case, the semen fertilizes two eggs and results in a diamniotic, dichorionic pregnancy.
  • Grandma Joins the Household

    Grandma Joins the Household
    With the babies on the way, Grandma decides to move in with Mom and Mommy. Grandma's role once the babies are born is to cook, clean, and take care of the babies while Mom and Mommy are at their full-time jobs.
  • Red Means Rush!

    Red Means Rush!
    Mom, at about 6 months gestation, is rushed to West Allis Memorial Hospital by Mommy due to the presence of bloody discharge. Mom is G1P0 with normal serology.
  • It's Too Early

    It's Too Early
    Unfortunately, at 24 weeks and 5 days, Mom goes into preterm labor. Due to placental abruption and breech presentation of the babies, Mom has to have an emergency C-section performed instead of a vaginal delivery.
  • It's a Boy!

    It's a Boy!
    After opening the mother on the operating table, Twin A is born.
  • It's....Another Boy!

    It's....Another Boy!
    After successfully delivering Twin A, Twin B is delivered at a weight of .731 kg and a height of 30.5 cm. However, Twin B's birth is more complicated. Twin B has Apgars of 2 and 6 and is born with chronic lung disease, pulmonary hypternsion, patent ductus arteriosus, respiratory distress syndrome, rectal prolapse, intraventricular hemmorhage, bilateral inguinal hernias, and apnea, jaundice, anemia, and retinopathy of prematurity, Twin B also has an endotracheal tube placed.
  • Twin A Goes Home

    Twin A Goes Home
    Twin A is finally well enought to go home where Mom, Mommy, and Grandma will care for him.
  • Back To Work

    Back To Work
    Mom returns to her full time job at The Healing Center and Mommy returns to her full-time job at St. Aemilian-Lakeside.
  • Not Again!

    Not Again!
    Twin B is re-intubated with an endotracheal tube due to declining respiratory status and persistent need for more oxygen.
  • Twin B Transferred

    Twin B Transferred
    Twin B is admitted to the Children's Hopsital of Wisconsin's NICU for further evaluation and care.
  • Surgery, Surgery, Surgery

    Surgery, Surgery, Surgery
    Twin B has an EGD, direct rigid laryngoscopy, rigid bronchoscopy, tracheostomy placement, inguinal hernia repair, and circumcision done at this time.
  • NICU Graduate

    NICU Graduate
    Twin B graduates from the NICU and is transferred to the Children's Hospital of Wisconsin PICU for further monitoring, observation, and treatment.