Total War - Yeachan Choi

By Yeachan
  • Cause #1 of WW1

    The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the leading factor of the cause of WW1, which led to the declaration of war from Austria-Hungary to Serbia.
  • Cause #2 of WW1

    Over time, countries throughout Europe made mutual defense agreements that would pull them into battle. These treaties meant that if one country was attacked, allied countries were bound to defend them. Due to this, when Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, it would create a chain reaction of other countries declaring war on each other.
  • Event #1 of WW1

    In February, 1914, the Germans restart their U-boat campaign against commercial ships headed from America to Britain and many American civilians lose their lives. In which in April, President Woodrow Wilson persuades Congress that America should declare war on Germany.
  • Event #2 of WW1

    In November the Bolsheviks, led by Lenin, seize power under the slogan of “Peace, bread, land”. Russia leaves the war, signing an armistice in December. In the peace treaty Germany gains large swathes of Eastern Europe.
  • Consequence #1

    In a train carriage at Compiègne in northern France, the Germans surrender and agree to withdraw their forces from France and Belgium. Many German soldiers feel betrayed. In 1919 The Treaty of Versailles imposes harsh terms on Germany forcing them to accept the blame for the war and pay huge reparations. This would be one of the causes that led to World War II
  • Consequence #2

    The Nazi Party brought the country out of its depression. This was the beginning of the Holocaust, and the Nazi Party eventually pushed out of the country into surrounding nations, officially starting the war.
  • Event #1 of WW2

    On 1 September 1939, the assault on Poland begins. A German battleship opens fire on the Polish garrison in Danzig (Gdansk). It is the first military engagement of World War Two. Simultaneously 1.5 million German troops march over the Poland border. They tear across the country aided by 1,300 German aircraft which bombard Polish towns and cities. On 2 September Chamberlain sends an ultimatum to Hitler: if he does not withdraw his forces by the following day, there will be war.
  • Event #2 of WW2

    Japan launches an attack on the US in an attempt to destroy the Pacific fleet. But the raid fails because Japan’s main target, three US aircraft carriers, are at sea elsewhere and escape unscathed. Japan’s actions causes US President Roosevelt to declare war on Japan and Germany.
  • Consequence #1 of WW2

    American planes bomb Japanese cities. Churchill and Truman demand for Japan’s surrender. When the Japanese refuse, the Americans drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and three days later, on Nagasaki. This terrifying new weapon causes unprecedented death and destruction. Emperor Hirohito surrenders and the war comes to an end.
  • Consequence #2 of WW2

    Weakening of European powers as they lost many lives and a lot of power.