Timeline of films

  • First motion picture camera

    First motion picture camera
    Thomas Edison creates the kinetograph, a camera that takes a sequence of pictures to create a sense of motion. Accompanied with his invention of the kinetoscope, a type of film viewer.
  • First Narrative Film

    First Narrative Film
    "The Great Train Robbery", a silent film created by Edwin S. Porter, a former cameraman for Thomas Edison, was the first film to have a story line. The feature lasted only ten minutes with a total of only fourteen scenes. Based on a 1896 story by Scott Marble.
  • The first animated film

    The first animated film
    The first animated film was titled Humerous Phases of Funny Faces created by cartoonist J. Stewart Blackton.
  • First film with dialogue

    First film with dialogue
    The Jazz Singer procuded by Warner Bros and director Alan Crosland, was the first feature film to include dialogue. While dialogue is only present in 25% of the film, it set the stage for future productions.
  • First Animated film with sound

    First Animated film with sound
    The first animated film that also included sound was Steamboat Willie produced by Walt Disney. Up until this production, there had been little to seperate Disney from other animated film producers.
  • First Coloured 3D Film

    First Coloured 3D Film
    The House of Wax produced by Warner Bros. was the first 3D color film. This was also one of the first horrow films to be shot in color.
  • First Full Featured Computer Generated Imagery Film

    First Full Featured Computer Generated Imagery Film
    Disney Pixar's Toy Story is the first full length feature film created solely by computer generated imagery. The technique would be used many times in the future of film.
  • First Full Performance Capture Film

    First Full Performance Capture Film
    Avatar, created by James Cameron, was the first full featured film to utilize perfomance capture throughout the entire film. Cameron waited 11 years to produce Avater as he waited for technology to catch up with his ideas.