Timeline #1 Civics/Economics

  • Boston Masacre

    Boston Masacre
    was an incident when the British killed 5 civillian men and injured 6 others
  • Boston Tea Party

    Is when a bunch of colonists dressed as indians and dumped a load of tea into Boston Harbor to protest the tax on tea.
  • Lexington and Concord

    were the first military battle of the revolutionary war.
  • Common Sense

    Was a phamplet written by Thomas paine to persuade others to go with independence.
  • Declaration of Independence signing

    The Declaration wa adopted on July 4th, 1776; but was never even signed until August 7th! It stated the 13 colonies were separate from Great Britain.
  • Surrender at Yorktown

    General Cornwallis surrendered his troops on this date.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The treaty was to end the American Revolutionary War.
  • Shay's rebellion

    Was the begining of the rebellion caused by small farmers in the central and western U.S. because of post-war depression and credit squeeze.
  • Constitutional Convention

    Was formed to adress problems presented in the U.S. because of the Articles of Confederation.
  • Constitional Convention

    (last date they met)
  • Passage of the bill of rights

    written by James Madison to list out rights ecspecially for the people against the strong government.