Tiffany:Scientific Revolution

  • Aug 25, 1451


    Christopher Columbus was born. He was great man of interest. He sailed ocean blue.Columbus sailed for King Ferdinand II and Queen Isabella of Spain. He set sail on Aug. 3, 1492 from Palos, Spain, and on October 11, 1492, spotted the Caribbean islands off southeastern North America
  • Apr 20, 1462

    Renaissance Philosophy

    One of the major publications of Renaissance natural philosophy, the Epitome of Ptolemy's Almagest appears.A similar continuity can be seen in the case of sources. Although Aristotle was never an unquestioned authority.n terms of method philosophy was considered during the late Middle Ages as a subject that required robust enquiry on the part of people trained in the subject’s technical vocabulary.Given the remarkable range of Aristotelian philosophy, it was possible to discuss all issue.
  • May 30, 1472

    Georg Peurbach's new theory of the planets

    Georg Peurbach's New Theory of the Planets sought to reconcile geometric descriptive models for predicting planetary motions by employing homocentric celestial spheres.Peuerbach collaborated with his student and colleague Regiomontanus on a number of projects, including the observation of what came to be known as Halley's comet in 1456.His standard birthdate, May 30, 1423, is derived from a sixteenth-century horoscope. About the year 1440 he received the degree of master of philosophy.
  • Feb 19, 1473

    Birth of Nicolas Copernicus

    Nicolas Copernicus was born.One of the great polymaths of the Renaissance, Copernicus was a mathematician. He was the city of Toruń in the province of Royal Prussia, in the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland. Nicolaus was named after his father, who appears in records for the first time as a well-to-do merchant who dealt in copper, selling it mostly in Danzig
  • Jun 21, 1486

    The Malleus Malificarum

    The Malleus Malificarum is published as an influential guidebook to identifying witches and bringing them to punishment.The main purpose of the Malleus was to attempt to systematically refute arguments claiming that witchcraft does not exist, discredit those who expressed skepticism about its reality, to claim that witches were more often women than men, and to educate magistrates on the procedures that could find them out and convict them.
  • Jul 23, 1518

    The London College of Physicians

    The London College of Physicians is granted a royal charter and functions both as a traditional professional guild as well as a learned societyThe Royal College of Physicians of London is a British professional body of doctors of general medicine and its subspecialties. It was originally founded as the College of Physicians.
  • Sep 6, 1522

    First Globe.

    Ferdinand Magellan famously completes the first circumnavigation of the globe.Magellan was born in Northern Portugal (either in Sabrosa or in Oporto). His parents, Pedro Ruy de Magalhaes and Alda de Mezquita, were members of the nobililty.
  • Jun 24, 1533

    Living Plants

    Publication of Portraits of Living Plants, a botanical work that employed freshly drawn illustrations from living plants, undermining.To work the soil in such a way that it produces a nourishing vegetable is to experience firsthand the power of life. To do so on another planet, far from the rich soil, thick atmosphere, and warm sunlight of the Earth, would be nothing short of magic.
  • Aug 25, 1545


    In mathematics,The Great Art contained many algebraic innovations and new methods for treating equations of the third degree. This is a huge thing in our society today.
  • Conrad Gessner

    Conrad Gessner publishes a massive and highly influential work, the History of Animals.The Historiae animalium was Gesner's magnum opus, and was the most widely read of all the Renaissance natural histories. Gesner’s monumental work is a record that attempts to build a connection between the ancient knowledge of the animal world and modern science. He then adds his own observations to formulate an all-inclusive description of the natural history of animals.