Thomas kuhn

Thomas Kuhn July 18, 1922 - June 17, 1996

By Ajay31B
  • Khun earns SB in physics

    Khun earns SB in physics
    Khun earned his Bachelor's in Science degree of physics from Harvard in 1943
  • Khun earns SM and PhD degrees 1946 and 1949

    Khun earns SM and PhD degrees 1946 and 1949
    Khun earns his masters in physics in 1946 and his PhD in 1949
  • Khun becomes interested in history and philosophy of science

    Khun becomes interested in history and philosophy of science
    Khun was able to switch from physics to the philosophy of science and history of it due to his academic freedom at Harvard. He ended up teaching classes about the subject at harvard until he left and started teaching at the university of california in both the philosophy department and history department. He was named the professor of the History of Science in 1961 and wrote his most influential book at the university in 1962, "The structure of scientific revolutions."
  • Khun's book and his view of science

    Khun's book and his view of science
    Khun viewed scientific progression not the result of gaining more knowledge on a linear line. Small, sometimes large, scientific revolutions happen throughout history that shifts the scientific community called paradigm shifts. He broke this process up into 3 stages: Pre-science, doesn't have a focal paradigm, normal-science which is where scientists try and logically figure out the paradigm by enlarging the focus of it, and the paradigm shift, where scientists change their views, the revolution
  • Philosopher Ian Hacking discussing Khun's ideas