Thomas Edison

By mahnj
  • Thomas was born

    Thomas Edison was born in Milan, Ohio and he was the seventh kid.
  • Thomas got a job

    Thomas got his first job as a candy butcher.
  • Thomas wrote a newspaper

    Thomas began his own, first paragraph.
  • Thomas got fired

    Thomas fell asleep on the job, two trains almost collided, and he was threatened to be put in jail.
  • Thomas moved

    thomas moved to louisville, Kentucky and he started working for the "Associated Press".
  • Thomas became inventor

    Thomas became a full time inventor
  • Thomas developed the improved stock ticker

    thomas moved to New york City, invented his first invention, the universal stock ticker, aka the stock printer.
  • Thomas built a lab

    Thomas built his first ever laboratory in Newark, New Jersey along with a manufacturing facility.
  • Thomas improved the lightbulb

    Thomas finally finished inventing the improved electric light bulb.
  • Thomas got married

    Thomas got married again to Mina Miller at the age of 39.
  • Thomas died

    Thomas died in West Orange, New Jersey.