The Road to Independence and the start of a new nation

By xodayxo
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    Start of the French and Indian War

    the Start of the French and Indian War had lasted 7 years. War was fought between the French and the British in the New World.The French had claimed the territory we now call Canada. The British had claimed the territory along the Atlantic coast. French wanted to expand south. British wanted to expand west. They found each other in the Ohio Valley near the Mississippi River. They fussed and they fussed, and finally war broke out.
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    End of the French and Indian War

    this was the ending of the war which had ended in February. no one had actually won, once the day they figured no one won they had wondered off into the woods
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    The Stamp Act

    the stamp act took place for 18 days straight. it was enacted by British Parliament. This event took place because they needed to pay off the seven years of war. they made/ believed that the colonists should help pay since they were defending them
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    The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre had only lasted one day but had major impact on most of the colonists and others who had lived Was a deadly riot that began on march 5 1770 and ended in one day. It started off as a street brawl between american colonist and British soldier but turned into a chaotic slaughter
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    The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party was an incident where 342 chests of tea that belonged to the British East India Company were tossed into the Boston Harbor from ships. American Patriots that did this act disguised themselves as Mohawk Indians, the Boston tea party had also happened a week before Christmas.
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    The Intolerable Acts

    The Intolerable Acts happened from repsonse of the Boston Tea Party since Parliament refused a offer from other colonist leaders to pay for the tea that had been dumped into the boston harbor from the Boston Tea party. Since they refused to pay the Parliament made harsh laws on the Massachusetts colony and these laws were very harsh so they called them the "Intolerable Acts"
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    The First Continental

    This event took place on September 5, 1774. The First Continental was a meeting/gathering of delegates from 12 of all the 13 British colonies that eventually became the United States
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    The Second Continental & Olive Branch Petition

    This was a last and final attempt for colonists to avoid going into war with Britain during the American Revolution. Colonists pledged their loyalty to the crown and declared their rights as citizens.
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    The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Second Continental Congress. only two people had signed the declaration. The Declaration of Independence explains why the 13 colonies had been at war with the kingdom and how Britain regarded them to the thirteen independent states and no longer under British rule either.