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The Philosophical Timeline of Rudolf Carnap (1891-1970)

  • Rudolf Carnap’s Birth

    Rudolf Carnap was born May 18th, 1891 in Ronsdorf, Germany. While living in Germany, Carnap studied mathematics, physics and philosophy, prior to serving in World War 1. After serving in World War 1, Carnap finished his doctoral degree and shortly after he became a member of the Vienna Circle. Carnap was also invited to become a faculty member at the University of Vienna.
  • The Logical Structure of the World

    In 1928 Carnap published his first major work, Der Logische Aufbau der Welt. This book was later translated to English in 1967 as The Logical Structure of the World. In this book, Carnap establishes the philosophy that systems of knowlege are based on what is given by direct experience. This idea is logical empiricism which asserts that all knowledge is gained through observations which lead to generalizations. https://youtu.be/45q3flakKjU
  • The Logical Syntax of Language

    In 1934 Carnap published, Logische Syntax der Sprache which was translated to English as The Logical Syntax of Language in 1937. In this publication Carnap establishes his theory that scientific language has a specific formal structure. This theory is not concerned with the inherent truth of a sentence per se. It is more of an analysis of how in language, words can be broken down into different classes, and these classes can be put together to form proper sentences.
  • Rudolf Carnap’s Death

    Rudolf Carnap died at the age of 79 years old, at St. John’s Hospital in Santa Monica, California. At and since his death, Dr. Carnap was/ is recognized as one of the founders of logical empiricism and logical positivism.