
The History of Flight

  • 100

    China Soars

    China Soars
    China invents the first working kite in the 1000 BC era.
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    The Tragic Tale of King Bladud

    The Tragic Tale of King Bladud
    King Bladud (according to legend) tried to fly and died in the atempt. (852 BC era)
  • Jan 1, 700

    According to Ancient Greece...

    According to Ancient Greece...
    The Greeks write about flying. Some of these things include pegasus' and Hermes flying shoes. (BC era)
  • Jan 1, 1250

    Written Words on Flying High

    Written Words on Flying High
    Roger Bacon, an English Cleric, writes about mechanical flight.
  • Jan 1, 1485

    The Idea

    The Idea
    Leonardo Di Vinci draws sketches for a flying machine. This is where the idea for others developed.
  • Hot Air Takes Flight

    Hot Air Takes Flight
    Joesph and Jacques Montgolfier take a mile ride in the first hot air balloon. This was the first recorded flight in the history of ever.
  • The Glider

    The Glider
    George Cayley has the idea and creates the Glider. It took him 50 years and many modifications to make the flow just right over the wings. No matter the efforts though, he was never able to fly his precious machine.
  • The German Glider

    The German Glider
    Otto Lilienthal, a German engineer who studied arodynamics, created another verison of the glider. After many attempted flights however (about 2500), he died in a fatal crash.
  • To Fuel the Idea

    To Fuel the Idea
    Samuel P. Langley realized that in order for man to fly, we need power. He designed the first plane to run on fuel, and called it an aerodome. The model flew fine, the the actual sized one was too heavy.
  • Grasping the Know-How of Flight

    Grasping the Know-How of Flight
    Octave Chanute writes all he knows about flight in the book Progress in Flying Machines. The Wright Brothers used his works and advice for mcuh of the progress of constructing the plane.
  • Plane Genius!

    Plane Genius!
    Orville and Wilbur Wright successfully fly the first plane. After many months of aketches and attempts, the Flyer flew for 39 minutes and 24 miles. This was the first truley triumphant flight ever to be recorded.
  • The Deadly Crash

    The Deadly Crash
    Orville Wright and known US Army Leitenant Thomas E. Selfridge went up in a plane. The propeller broke when they were about seventy five feet up and crashed. Orville was injured, and Selfridge died.
  • The Military Plan

    The Military Plan
    Wilbur and Orville Wright sign a contract to build the first military plane .
  • Woman Fly High

    Woman Fly High
    Female pilot Amelia Earhart is the first woman in history to fly from coast to coast in the USA by herself. She set many other records besieds this, but this was one of her biggest achievments.
  • Monkey on Buisness

    Monkey on Buisness
    Albert II was the first monkey to be successfully sent into space. However, an accedient with a paracute landing killed the poor monkey, so he never got to feel the glory.
  • Space Travel?

    Space Travel?
    The National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 is formed (NASA). People are starting to wonder what's out there, and if we can make contact with the unknown.
  • The Original Moonwalk

    The Original Moonwalk
    Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin are the first humans to land on the moon. This accomplishment put the USA over the Soviet Union in terms of space travel.
  • Earth Day Coinincidence?

    Earth Day Coinincidence?
    Earth Day is established. This is important to flight because it was made during the Apollo program, so people think it was meant to be,
  • The Space Travel Impact

    The Space Travel Impact
    The Mission from Planet Earth program called a symposium and entitled it "What is the value of space explporation". Here was called to order the key benificial points of space travel by many different scientists.
  • Some More Space Meetings

    Some More Space Meetings
    The International Acadamy of Aronautics called the first international meeting on space and science. This was taken place in Budapest, Hungary, and people from all over the world studied space and science together. They also published The Impact of Space Activities upon Society.