
the history of aircraft.

  • the beggining

    the beggining
    1903, the wright brothers make history, as they demonstrate their flying contraption on film, and present it to the world. the first every aircraft flight.
  • first manned reconnaissance mission with aircraft.

    first manned reconnaissance mission with aircraft.
    the first scouting mission using an aircraft in wartime, during the Italian-Turkish war.
  • first bombing

    the first bombing using aircraft signaled the beginning of a long line of development and improvement in the use of aircraft.
  • first flight of all-metal aircraft

    first flight of all-metal aircraft
    produced by Hugo Junkers, the Junkers J-1 became the first all-metal aircraft to be flown.
  • first successful jet-aircraft flight.

    first successful jet-aircraft flight.
    the first ever jet aircraft, the Heinkel He 178, is successfully flown by Erich Warsitz
  • first operational jet aircraft

    first operational jet aircraft
    the first, Practical, jet aircraft is created and flown, the Mighty
    Messerschmidt Me 262.
  • The loudest aircraft ever made.

    The loudest aircraft ever made.
    the development of the infamous Republic XF-84H Thunder-screech, came out of the need for a jet-aircraft that could unitize a shorter-runway using propeller technology. the noise and vibrations made by the Thunder-screech's propeller created a noise that caused hearing damage and even a seizure, and still holds the record for the loudest aircraft ever produced.
  • the blackbird is born

    the blackbird is born
    the cold war caused a boom in jet-aircraft and stealth craft research and development, and the golden jewel of this era, is the famous SR-71 Blackbird, which set the record for the fastest crossing of the English channel, a record it would hold for several years until it was beaten by the legendary, and infamous Concorde. on its first flight it was met with slight inconveniences, but other than a few false flags, it paved the way for the future of high altitude stealth craft.
  • the fastest aircraft ever built

    the fastest aircraft ever built
    The North American X-15 tested the bounds of aircraft technology, and made world history. that day, the X-15 reached mach 6.7, 4,520 miles per hour (7,274 km/h; roughly 2,000 m/s), at an altitude of 102,100 feet on October 3, 1967. Even almost 53 years later, this record remains unbroken.
  • the floating plane

    the floating plane
    the introduction of the harrier changes the way we thought about war. with the ability to land and take off vertically, the VTOL Harrier could land on smaller runways, and even helicopter pads needed, allowing all sorts of new innovations to be made in the air of aerial warfare.
  • the future of commercial aviation

    the future of commercial aviation
    while commercial aircraft had existed since the interwar period of ww1-ww2, the Boeing 747 trumped nearly everything that came before it. varying models could carry anywhere from 416 to 524 passengers, and could carry a impressive 248,000 lbs of cargo.
  • The mighty concord brings supersonic to the common man.

    The mighty concord brings supersonic to the common man.
    concord reveals the first mainstream Supersonic commercial aircraft, allowing flights across the English channel to take less than an hour for the first time in history.
  • the sun-powered journey

    the sun-powered journey
    on the 26th of July, 2016, the solar impulse 2, finish the first global solar-powered flight across the planet, proving that solar power could be used on aircraft, and showing the power behind solar energy.
  • the first time in aviation history

    the first time in aviation history
    on April 19, 2021, the ingenuity helicopter, made the first, controlled flight on another planet, aiding in the ongoing studies of mars and how helicopters would work on other worlds.