the flyng

  • 1969 BCE

    the first commercial airplane

    the first commercial airplane
    And finally the supersonic invent in the year 1969 and can carry 555 persons same time.
  • 1936 BCE


    Then they made that model again and the flier was made in the year 1903 in Ohio and it was made easier to get to the places then a helicopter that made in the year 1939 for Igor Sikorsky.
  • 1903 BCE

    the gilder

    the gilder
    the first flyng pain was call wright flyer was created in the united states of america this had two wings and was created in 1903 the wright flyer was theproduct of a sofisticated for years program of reseach and develclopmeil conducted by willbur orville
  • 1783 BCE

    the first fying objet

    the first fying objet
    The first fyng object was invented in 1789, the hot air ballon and the inventor was Montgolfier and was born in 1740 and he died in 1810.