The fault in our stars

  • Cancer support group meeting

    The first time Hazel and Gus met.
  • Gus´s house

    The first time they hung out together. You could tell they had a connection from the start
  • Isaac goes blind

    Isaac was one of hazel´s (and gus) best friends. When he went blind they were there for him through the rough first weeks, as his girlfriend dumped him at the same time.
  • The phonecalls

    For an entire week Gus and Hazel spoke on the phone a lot. It showed lots of development in their relationship, and this is when Hazel realizes that she might be in love with him
  • The email

    Gus got in contact with Hazel´s favourite author to get some answer from him about a book. This meant a lot to hazel and gave gus a travel-idea.
  • Hazel goes to the hospital

    Hazel wakes up one night and her lungs are filled with fluids. She gets rushed to the hospital and stays there for over 2 weeks. She didn´t she gus that entire time, but he sat in the hospital almost constantly.
  • The flight

    This is the first time Gus tells Hazel he is in love with her. Hazel doesn't say it back, because she is afraid of him ending up getting hurt when she dies.
  • Amsterdam, Anne Frank museum

    Hazel and Gus visit the museum after a bad experience with an author they liked. During this visit they share their first kiss!
  • Amsterdam, last day

    Hazel tells Augustus (Gus) that she loves him. They later on share a "special moment" together
  • Amsterdam, last day (nighttime)

    Gus tells Hazel the cancer is back.
  • Hazel meets Isaac

    Some days after the funeral Hazel meets up with Isaac. He asks her if she read the letter from Peter Von Houten, but she says she never wants to hear from the guy again. Isaac then reveals it was from Gus. This letter ends up meaning a lot to Hazel, as it kind of becomes gus's last words to her.
  • The picnic

    Gus takes Hazel on a picnic after she comes back from the hospital, and proposes the idea about using his "cancer-wish" on taking her to Amsterdam to meet the author they got the email from.
  • Gas-station

    Gus calls Hazel from a gas-station where his g-tube has malfunctioned. It is infected, and he is getting sicker by the second. Hazel calls 911 despite Gus's wish not to.
  • "The last good day"

    Hazel described the day they hung out with Gus´s family as the last good day they experienced together.
  • The phonecall

    Hazel knows that Gus's days are limited. One night she hears her parents get a phonecall. Then they come into here room and turns on her light. She starts crying instantly, as she already knows what has happened.
  • The funeral

    Hazel holds a speech at his funeral, but she did not hold the speech she held for Gus. The author, Peter Von Houten, that both of them loved, showed up at the funeral to hazel's surprise. He tries to talk to her after but she rejects it, as she is too broken up about gus's death. He hands her a letter that he says she would wnat to read but she denies it.