
The Atomic Race Baris Demirbas Period 6 8/22/16

  • 500 BCE


    - Void was absolutely necessary for motion to occur
    + Believed to have created the first theory of the atom.
  • 480 BCE


    -Stated that the universe is a single entity.
    +Proposed the theory of Eleatics.
  • 465 BCE


    -Everything is made up of atoms
    -Atoms are indestructible
    -Atoms cannot be seen.
    -Atoms are solid
    -Atoms consist of the same parts
    -Atoms are different due to their varying sizes, shapes, masses, positions, and arrangements.
    *Solids: Small, pointy Atoms
    *Liquids: Large and round Atoms
    *Oils: Fine, small Atoms that can slip past each other.
    +His contribution to the theory was that he affirmed that the universe is composed of atoms and the void(space) they are in.
  • Pierre Gassendi

    Pierre Gassendi
    - Stated that atoms are solid and lacked in internal structures.
    - Believed atoms can form into molecules.
    - Atoms had not existed in earths creation.
    - Atoms were handed to us by god for us to worship their wholly spherical nature.
    + Revived the ideology of Atoms.
  • Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton
    +Developed an idea regarding a mechanical universe which was driven by an atom.
  • Antoine Lavosier

    Antoine Lavosier
    - Believed atoms didn't exist.
    - Developed the law of conservation of mass.
    + Allowed for the chemical revolution to take place.
  • John Dalton

    John Dalton
    -Everything is made of atoms. They are both indivisible and are indestructible.
    -All atoms' properties are identical in any given element.
    -Compounds ate made by combining multiple different types of atoms.
    -When a chemical reaction occurs, the atoms are rearranged.
    +Dalton is known for discovering the atomic theory.
  • Michael Faraday

    Michael Faraday
    -Matter is recognized where lines of force met at a particular point in space.
    -Was not really a fan of the atomic theory.
    -Created "Faraday's laws of Electrolysis".
    -Made changes to Dalton's theory.
    -Atoms had electrical properties.
  • J. Plucker

    J. Plucker
    -First to experiment with electron rays in a vacuum.
    +Allowed further research into the atomic theory to occur.
  • James Clark Maxwell

    James Clark Maxwell
    - Stated "the void" was filled with electric and magnetic waves.
    + his work allowed for equations from Faraday to be translated.
  • J.J. Thompson

    J.J. Thompson
    - The number of negative electrons equaled the number of positive protons while neutrons were well, neutral.
    - Atoms were spherical in shape.
    - The protons are surrounded by electrons.
    - Electrons are smaller than atoms.
    + Thomas proved that atoms were composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Thomas found electrons.
  • Rutherford's Dold Foil Experiment

    Rutherford's Dold Foil Experiment
    The gold foil experiment was conducted to test the effect of alpha particles on matter. Basically, they put a plate of gold foil surrounded by a sheet of sulfide. The gold was used to test whether particles to penetrate, scatter (somewhat 90 deg. off), then hit the sulfide screen, emitting light; or if it just deflected the beam back. This experiment ended up proving that an atom had a nucleus, and J.J. Thompson's "plum pudding" hypothesis for the structure of an atom.
  • Robert Millikan

    Robert Millikan
    + Millikan ended up being able to specify the size of an electrons charge.
  • Ernest Rutherford

    Ernest Rutherford
    - Atoms possess a nucleus.
    - Found the proton.
    - Almost all of the atoms mass is concentrated in the nucleus which is a thousand times smaller than the actual atom.
    +Unified many concepts in the growing atomic theory, and disproved some as well. He also ended up classifying many different types of rays.
  • Neils Bohr

    Neils Bohr
    - Electrons travel is only possible on separately expanding orbits.
    - Outer orbits (now known as valence shells) can hold more electrons than inner orbits.)
    - The orbits determined many atoms properties.
    - When an electron jumps from an outer orbit to an inner orbit, light is emitted.(calculated with the difference of 2 orbital energies.
    +Bohr's explanation of the atom's orbit allowed for the explanation of the different properties of different atoms to be better understood.
  • Werner Heisenberg

    Werner Heisenberg
    -Impossible to know a particles position and velocity.
    +Heisenberg calculated the electrons' behavior. Helped clarify the modern view of an atom
  • Erwin Schrodinger

    Erwin Schrodinger
    - Electrons in orbit create "standing waves".
    - Only where the electron could possibly be can be described.
    - Waves can be used to describe electrons through atoms.
    +Proposed that the mechanics of waves are the actual mathematical method for atoms.
  • James Chadwick

    James Chadwick
    - Atoms have neutrons, the neutrons are found in the nucleus.
    - Neutrons account for an atoms atomic mass.
    +Proved that atom's nuclei were comprised of more than just protons, they were comprised of protons and neutrons. His discoveries also allowed for the advancement of the understanding of atoms' nuclei.
  • Hans Bethe

    Hans Bethe
    - Found the carbon-nitrogen reaction is the same reaction that gives stars power.
    + Developed the theory of Deuteron. Allowed for a better understanding of atoms in space.
  • Enrico Fermi

    Enrico Fermi
    - Found the concept of fission.
    + Aided in the creation of the first nuclear bomb that aided exponentially in the ending of World War 2.