The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part-Time Indian

  • Junior is born

    Junior is born
    He was born with too much cerebral spinal fluid in his skull,and he had to have surgery.After the surgery he suffered brain damage.
  • Wellpinit vs Reardan

    The game starts with rowdy winning the opening tip off and then runs down the court and Junior runs beside of him and they both jumped up and Junior blocked it.This shook rowdy up,Junior was on him the whole entire game letting him score twice. Reardan beats wellpinit
  • Junior hits Mr.P with a book

    Junior hits Mr.P with a book
    Junior received a textbook and opened it and saw his mom's name in the book,making the book almost 30 years old.He realized how poor the school is then he threw the book at Mr.P,Junior was suspended.Junior decided to transfer to Reardan.
  • Junior tells Rowdy

    Junior tells Rowdy
    At school Junior walked up to Rowdy to tell him he was transferring to Reardan.Rowdy didn't want to believe the news so he got frustrated and punched Junior.Their friendship started falling apart
  • Junior decides to go to Reardan

    Mr.P came to junior's house,Junior was afraid that Mr.P is gonna beat him up but Mr.P came to have a talk with him.Mr.P tells Junior to leave the Rez or else he will be killed.Junior told his parents that he want to attend Reardan
  • Roger

    Roger is a 2 sport athlete at Reardan.Roger told junior a racist joke,Junior punched him because at the rez violence is the solution to everything.At that point Roger respected junior.
  • the after party

    Junior and penelope gets invited by the upperclassman to go out and eat.Junior had a problem,he has no money.Everyone ordered pancake even junior ordered food.He went to the bathroom to puke.Roger comes to check on him and finds out Junior does not have any money so Roger gives him money so he can pay the bill.
  • Grandma's death

    Grandma's death
    Junior grandma was walking home from a mini powwow at the community center when she got hit by a car,the driver was drunk.Grandma's final words were 'forgive him'.
  • Mary dies

    Mary dies
    Mary had a party,everyone in that party was drunk.Mary passes out on her bed with her husband.Someone tried to cook but was not paying attention and set the house on fire.Mary and her husband were still in the house and died in their sleep.
  • 1V1

    Rowdy Knocks on Junior door,he opens the door they awkward silence for a moment until junior said wanna go shoot some hoops.Rowdy tells Junior hes gonna be a nomad because hes gonna travel the world when hes older.Junior and Rowdy 1v1 until the street laps came on.