The 1950s

The 1950s - Cold War Timeline

  • McCarthyism Begins (cont.)

    McCarthyism Begins (cont.)
    Happened during the second Red Scare 1947 to 1956
    President Truman gives Executive Order 9835 regarding that federal employees be screened for loyalty to the US.
    During this time, and even before, there were accused persons working with the Soviet Union in the US, Two of them stealing plans for the A-bomb in 1950. Also there were members of a Communist Party in the US during WWII but that faded away after the war.
  • McCarthyism Begins

    McCarthyism Begins
    Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy gave a speech in 1950 stating that 205 Communists infiltrated the State Department.
    In 1954 McCarthy led 36 days of investigative hearings on television, trying to rule out suspects of espionage in different government departments and even the movie industry.
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    June 25, 1950 to July 27,1953
    Between the DPRK (Democratic People's Republic of Korea, in today's terms North Korea) and the Republic of Korea (South Korea).
    June, 1950 North Korea invades South Korea as a surprise attack and supplied by the Soviet Union.
    The United States sides with South Korea and the People’s Republic of China sides with North Korea.
  • The Korean War (cont.)

    Before the war, Japan had control over Korea. After that, the US and USSR split the country up, divided by the 38th Parallel with the USSR controlling the north and the US controlling the south.
    The Korean War was a war used for the US and USSR to combat each other without going into a “hot war.” Also in fear of the Domino Theory. An armistice was set in place on July 27, 1953.
  • Rosenberg Spy Case

    Rosenberg Spy Case
    Ethel and Julius Rosenberg were both convicted of committing espionage for the Soviet Union.
    Convicted of transferring information of the atomic bomb to the Soviet Union transferred top secret radar, sonar, and jet propulsion engine information.
    They were both indicted on August 17, 1950, along with their messengers David Greenglass and Anatoli Yakovlev/
    The trial started on March 6, 1951 and were both convicted on March 29. They were sentenced to death on April 5.
  • Hungarians overthrow communist government

    Hungarians overthrow communist government
    •Communist Russia was the country in control of Hungary. With control over Russia they tried to force communism upon Hungarian. This lead to an insurrection from the Hungarians.
    •January 26,1953- April 22, 1956
    •Removal of Russian influence from Hungary.
    •Rights were granted by Poland for street protests and rebellions so they did so.
  • U.S. overthrows Iranian Government

    U.S. overthrows Iranian Government
    After then Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh nationalized iran’s oil reserves via kicking out the british-owned Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Britain called for and initiated an Iranian oil boycott to apply economic pressure on the country. Soon after, Winston Churchill and the Eisenhower administration initiated a coup to overthrow the Prime Minister via the CIA and British intelligence.
  • U.S. overthrows Iranian Government (cont.)

    U.S. overthrows Iranian Government (cont.)
    This was supported by the Pro-American Shah of Iran. The significance is that the U.S. and Britain claim to overthrow the Prime Minister in order to “stop the spread of communism”, but also due to the nationalizing of Iran’s oil reserves.
  • Nakita Khruschev Comes to Power in the Soviet Union

    Nakita Khruschev Comes to Power in the Soviet Union
    Rose to power after the death of Stalin and eventually became known as the Communists Party’s secretary. Once Khrushchev had obtained his power he sought out to make peace between the Soviet Union and the United States.
    The U.S. was worried about Khrushchev’s sudden rise to power and Khrushchev saw nothing coming out of fighting.
    Visited the U.S. to actually help form a positive and helpful relationship between the Soviet Union and U.S.
    All tensions today have been resolved.
  • John Foster Dulles

    John Foster Dulles
    •Secretary of State
    •Containment of communism
    •Dulles influenced American foreign policies. Policies that he has dealt with include the integration of Europe, escalation of the crisis in Indochina, U.S. response to the Hungarian Revolution, and the Suez Canal crisis of 1956.
    •Dulles was appointed as the Secretary of State because of Eisenhower
    •First Secretary of State who could be accessed by the media and hold first Department conference
  • Guatemala elects Jacobo Arbenz

    Guatemala elects Jacobo Arbenz
    •26th president of Guatemala
    •Incited many land reforms both with the goal of becoming independent of foreign powers.
    •Modernize the country’s infrastructure
    •Programs and reforms centered around agriculture were enacted.
    •His actions were the cause of a war that is known as one of Latin America’s bloodiest wars resulting in a death count of 200,000 people. Arbenz’s son, is a current elected official of Guatemala and is apologizing for his father’s actions. .
  • Sputnik Launched

    Sputnik Launched
    The U.S.S.R. has launched the Sputnik I satellite, the first of its kind, on October 4, 1957 in an attempt to show its technological prowess. Due to the launch, new political, military, technological, and scientific developments occurred, such as the creation of DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), and NASA. The significance is that the U.S.S.R. initiated the space race by launching this satellite, before the U.S. could first. Showed how steep the competition was.
  • Fidel Castro comes to power in Cuba

    Fidel Castro comes to power in Cuba
    On January 1, 1959, The U.S. backed dictatorial regime of Fulgencio Batista is overthrown by communist rebels led by Fidel Castro, who assumes power that day. This was a result of a guerrilla war/revolution fought from 1956-1959. As a dictator, Castro held mass public support and instituted sweeping social and economic reforms, creating the first communist state in the Western Hemisphere.
  • Fidel Castro comes to power in Cuba (cont.)

    Fidel Castro comes to power in Cuba (cont.)
    As a result of his ascension to power, the U.S. responded with the straining of diplomatic relations. The significance of this is revolution overthrows a U.S. backed dictator, Batista, and replaces him with a communist dictator, Fidel Castro, who is a soviet ally. This creates a communist state 90 miles away from the U.S., and this becomes a big problem in the future (Cuban Missile Crisis).