Tectonic timeline by charlie lindberg

By charman
  • Abreham Ortelious

    He came up with continetal drift by fitting to gether the contienets
  • Alfred Wegner

    Publicly announces theory of continental drif with evidence of fossils lining up from a super contienet he called pangea. His theory sadly got rejected.
  • Harry Hess

    Investigated the sea floor ridges and the sea floor spreading
  • Alfred Wegner

    Gathers further evidence in continetal drift but can still not justify what causes it.
  • Arthur Holmes

    Has the heory that the mantle moves and cauces continetal drift
  • Harry Hess

    Continues to support his theory of the sea floor spreading finds flat topped mountains under water he calls 'guyots'.
  • Dan McKenzie

    He finally puts all the theory's together and creates the modern day continental drift theory.