Technologies from the process

  • Blogger

    Blogger was the first piece of technology i used.
    Blogger helped me keep track of my Teen film and helped keep everything in order.
    Additionally blogger helped me to look back at what i've already done and keep organised.
  • Camera

    We used a JVC camera to start filming the beginning of our teen film.
    The helped us to take a range of different shot types from different angles and distances. We also used it to take behind the scene shots.
    The camera was very very useful and vital to the making of our film because it filmed all the scenes used in our teen film.
  • Prelim

    We used Final cut to make our prelim.
    Final cut was a very useful source of technology as it helped us to edit our prelim and put scenes together.
  • Flip camera

    Flip camera
    We used a flip camera to take still images of scenes in our film in order to blog about them later.
    During the filming of our teen drama opening, one member of our group took still images of important scenes in our film using the flip camera.
    The flip camera was useful as it helped us to take a range of different images which we could use for the advertising of our film
  • prezi

    We used prezi in the pitch of film.
    in prezi we constructed a storyboard of the order of events in our teen film opening. Through prezi we constructed a active engaging powerpoint.
    prezi was very useful to the making of our film as it helped us show the audience what the film is going to be about.
  • Final cut

    Final cut
    We used a video editing softwear called final cut pro.
    we used this to edit our video, and put the scenes together. Through final cut we was also able credits.
    This technology was a very important aspect in the making of our film as this is where all our editing was made.