Sigmund freud life

Sigmund Freud

  • The birth of Sigmund.

    The birth of Sigmund.
    He was born in Austria, Freiberg.
  • Studies Gymnasium.

  • Studies University.

    Studies University.
    Seventeen years old Sigmund Freud entered the medical faculty of Vienna University. Sigmund began to study anatomy and chemistry.
  • Work.

    He got a job in a psychiatric ward.
  • Period: to

    Scientific activities.

    Freud writes books and scientific articles. Studies psychology.
  • Start a family.

    Start a family.
    Freud married his sweetheart March Bernay. They gave birth to six children.
  • Scientific award.

    Scientific award.
    Freud was awarded the Goethe prize for significant contribution to science and literature, which brought the scholar great satisfaction and contributed to the spread of psychoanalysis in Germany.
  • Death.

    In the summer of 1939, Freud was greatly suffering from a progressive disease. Sigmund agreed to euthanasia.