History of atom Timeline by MIKELL MACK

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    Democritus BC

    Democritus BC
    He discoverd dat atoms are uncutable.
    He used a experiment with salt toasted sharp method.
    He believed atoms were the smallest particles of matter
  • Dalton

    Dalton thought matter consists of invisable atoms and that atoms are arranged in different componds.
    He used a experiment that shown that matter is made of tiny particles.He imagined them as little tiny balls that arranged different.
  • Thomson

    Thomson discoverd electrons are much smaller than atoms.
    His observation showed that with heating the postive and negative charge makes nuetral electrons.
    He thought the atom looked like a plum pudding shape.
  • Rutherford

    He discoverd way before his project that radioactive elements give off postivley and negatively charges. Rutherford found everybody thought the shape was plum pudding while observing
    He thought the object consisted of subatomic particles
  • Bohr

    He discoverd would spin around and orbit around the necleus.
    He used thories from observations that the necleus spun around.
    he thought the shape of electrons were like planets
  • Heisenberg and Schrodginer

    Heisenberg and Schrodginer
    They showed electrons were files around the atom.
    He used evidence from experiments.
    They thought atoms orbited around the middle nucleaus called orbital