
Sample Two-Event Timeline (Robert)

  • Robert's Decision to Marry: Intimacy versus Isolation

    Robert's Decision to Marry: Intimacy versus Isolation
    Robert (age 25) and Florence married because they made the decision to share their rest of their lives and themselves with each other and blend their identities. In Erikson’s fifth stage, intimacy versus isolation, the crisis is between becoming emotionally close to others in committed relationships (intimacy) or keeping to oneself – not letting anyone really know you and not being committed to relationships with others.
  • Robert's Last Days: Ego Integrity versus Despair

    Robert's Last Days: Ego Integrity versus Despair
    Robert died surrounded by his wife of 50 years and all nine of his children. When he looked back on his 75 years – knowing he had worked hard as a carpenter and provided for his family financially and emotionally – he had few regrets. In Erikson’s eighth stage of ego integrity versus despair, the crisis is between satisfaction with one’s life despite its imperfections (ego integrity) and profound regret and wishing to be able to do one’s life over but recognizing it is too late (despair).