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Roald Amundsen

  • Birth

    Roald Amundsen was born in Norway.
  • Death of Father

    Death of Father
    Roald's father, Jens Amundsen, was 65 and died because of extreme illness. Roald was only 14.
  • Inspiration

    Roald's parents wanted him to study medicine but he was inspired by the crossing of Greenland so Roald wanted to become an explorer.
  • Death of Mother

    Death of Mother
    Hanna Sahlqvist (Roald's mother) dies at the age of 56. Since his parents were dead, He was free to become an explorer.
  • Period: to

    First Voyage

    Roald Amundsen sets sail on his first voyage, on the Belgian Antartic Expedition. This becomes his first expedition, in Antartica. Roald and the rest of the crew arrive back to Belguim with their expedition being a success. But they were lucky to have it that way because the expedition was poorly prepared. There was not enough clothes and food for everyone and their ship to go.
  • Period: to

    The Northwest Passage

    Roald sets sail as captain on the ship Gjoa with six men to try to become the first to sail through the Northwest Passage. Roald and his crew were doing well so far, only one person had died. When they met a ship who hailed from the other side of the Northwest Passage.
  • Period: to

    South Pole Expedition

    After crossing the Northwest Passage, he decided to leave Norway for the south. Roald heard that Fredrick Cook wanted to beat him to the South Pole. So Roald took the challenge and beat him there. As they explored the land, They decded to make camp base and stay for a while.
  • Roald's Death

    Roald's Death
    Roald disappears while flying on a rescue mission, trying to rescue members of a crash that were returning from the North Pole. No real evidence was found on how he really died.