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  • Revolution in france communist manifesto

    Revolution in france communist manifesto
    The Communist Party Manifesto (Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei, from its German title), often simply called the Communist Manifesto, is one of the most influential political treatises in history. It is a manifesto commissioned by the League of Communists from Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels between 1847 and 1848, and first published in London on February 21, 1848.
  • Fernán caballero publishes the seagull

    Fernán caballero publishes the seagull
    The novel tells the story of the triumph and misfortune of a young woman with a beautiful voice, Gaviota, who achieves resounding success on the stages of Madrid and Seville and falls in love with a bullfighter who dies in the plaza.
  • Bécquer publishes his first legend

    Bécquer publishes his first legend
    Bécquer published several of his rhymes and legends. He went on to write a total of 86 Rhymes - first published in various magazines and later compiled in a manuscript that was lost during the Revolution of 1868.
  • End of the Second Carlist War

    End of the Second Carlist War
    The war ended between April and May 1849, when Cabrera and the Tristany crossed the French border in pursuit of the government army. The suitor Carlos Luis was arrested in France when he tried to enter Spain.
  • "La Gloriosa" explodes, dethronement of Isabel II

    "La Gloriosa" explodes, dethronement of Isabel II
    The Revolution of 1868, called the Glorious or September Revolution or the Septembrina, was a military uprising with civilian elements that took place in Spain in September 1868, which led to the dethronement and exile of Queen Elizabeth II and the beginning of the period. called Democratic Sexenio (1868-1874)
  • Galdos writes La Fontana De Oro

    Galdos writes La Fontana De Oro
    La Fontana de Oro is the first novel by Benito Pérez Galdós, published in 1870.1 The action takes place in the city of Madrid during the years of the Constitutional Triennium (1820 - 1823)
  • proclamation of the 1st republic

    proclamation of the 1st republic
    The First Spanish Republic was the political regime in force in Spain from its proclamation by the Cortes, on February 11, 1873, until December 29, 1874, when the pronouncement of General Martínez Campos led to the restoration of the Bourbon monarchy.
  • Statement by Martínez Campos restoration of the monarchy

    Statement by Martínez Campos restoration of the monarchy
    The Communist Party Manifesto, often simply called the Communist Manifesto, is one of the most influential political treatises in history. It is a manifesto commissioned by the League of Communists from Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels between 1847 and 1848, and first published in London on February 21, 1848.
  • Emilia Pardo publishes Lo Pazos De Ulloa

    Emilia Pardo publishes Lo Pazos De Ulloa
    Los Pazos de Ulloa is a novel by Emilia Pardo Bazán (1851-1921) published for the first time in 1886. It forms a diptych with Mother Nature, published in 1887.
  • Alfonso XIII is born posthumous son of Alfonzo XII

    Alfonso XIII is born posthumous son of Alfonzo XII
    Posthumous son of Alfonso XII and María Cristina de Habsburgo-Lorena, he was born in the Royal Palace of Madrid. On May 22, five days after his birth, he was baptized in the chapel of the same palace, by the chief chaplain and archbishop of Compostela, Cardinal Payá.