Ray jonn histry time line

  • Aug 29, 1492

    Colubus Discovered America

    Colubus Discovered America
    In 1492 Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue
  • James Town Virginia

    James Town Virginia
    After unsuccessful attempts to establish settlements in Newfoundland and at Roanoke, the famous "Lost Colony," off the coast of present-day North Carolina, England established its first permanent North American settlement, Jamestown, in 1607.
    We think this is important because this developed our cites and how they are today.
  • Massachuchets Bay Colony adopts the first Public school laws

    Massachuchets Bay Colony adopts the first Public school laws
    With this law you have to got to school
  • Massachusetts began printing paper money.

    This is important because if we didn’t have paper we would have to carry a bunch of coins.
  • New Massachusetts Charter permits freedom worship

  • Boston Tea party

    1773 the Townsend duties were a dismal failure. Only 21,000 pound sterling in new duties were collected, while sales of British goods to the colonies fell by more than 700,000 pounds. In 1770, Parliament repealed all the Townsend duties except one, a duty on tea, to symbolize Parliament's right to tax the colonies. To avoid paying the duty, colonial merchants smuggled in tea illegally from the Netherlands then we dumped it in river. This important because we had to show we aren’t we weren’t week
  • The delcation of indapendence was signed

    During the spring of 1776, as the historian Pauline Maier has shown, colonies, localities, and groups of ordinary Americans--including New York mechanics, Pennsylvania militiamen, and South Carolina grand juries--adopted resolutions endorsing independence. These resolutions encouraged the Continental Congress to appoint a five-member committee to draft a formal declaration of independence. Thomas Jefferson wrote the initial draft, which was then edited by other members of the committee and by Co
  • Slavery was ended

    1803 It has unfortunately happened, that at no period since the slave
    -trade was prohibited, have all our citizens abstained from a traffic, deemed worthy of the anxious solicitude of Congress to restrain, as manifested in the several highly penal laws passed on the subject, and alike discountenanced by the regulations of every state in the Union. Now when peace has turned the attention of several nations of the settlement and extension of their colonies, there is danger of the evil increasing,
  • Louis and Clark excpadition

    1804 To gather information about the geography, natural resources, and people of Louisiana, and to establish territorial claims to the trans-Mississippi West, Jefferson dispatched an expedition, led by his private secretary, Meriwether Lewis (1774-1809), and William Clark (1770-1838), a Virginia-born military officer. This is important because if they didn’t explore the Louisiana territories than they wouldn’t of known until later.
  • The Eecttric chair was made

    1890 the electric chair was invented. This is improtant because it thought people a lesson about things.
  • WW1

    Berlin, July 23 -- A note from Austria couched in the peremptory terms of an ultimatum and demanding a reply by 6 o'clock Saturday evening was delivered to the Serbian Government at Belgrade this evening at 6 o'clock. It demands the punishment of all accomplices in the murder of the archduke Francis Ferdinand and the [text unreadable] fomented rebellion in Bosnia. The Serbian Government must publish on Sunday an official disavowel of its connection with the anti-Austrian propaganda. It is unders
  • Havard was Found

    Havard was Found
    1636 Massachusetts Harvard was founded.
    We think this is important because it’s a high-class collage today.
  • JFK

    he die dt this is important because this was the 2 president to be assanated
  • The Beatles

    if Beatles didn’t come to New York then America would be lost with out the submarine. America’s favorite song in 1964.
  • The stock prices collappesd

    Stock prices virtually collapsed yesterday, swept downward with gigantic losses in the most disastrous trading day in the stock market's history. Billions of dollars in open market values were wiped out as prices crumbled under the pressure of liquidation of securities, which had to be sold at any price.
    This is important because this when the great depression came along.
  • 9 `11

    This is the firsttarrist attack in america
  • Michel jackson died

    Michel jackson died
    Michel Jackson died 2009 this is important because he was the pop lengend
  • The wrightbrothers invented air plane

    The wrightbrothers invented air plane
    WASHINGTON, Dec. 25 -- The inventors of the airship which is said to have made several successful flights in North Carolina, near Kitty Hawk, are anxious to sell the use of their device to the Government. They claim that they have solved the problem of aerial navigation, and have never made a failure of any attempt to fly.
    Their machine is an adaptation of the box kite idea, with a propeller working on a perpendicular shaft to raise or lower the craft, and another working on a horizontal shaft t