Project 2 Timeline

  • Dresselhaus, M. S., and I. L. Thomas. "Alternative energy technologies."Nature 414.6861 (2001): 332-337.

    This article was published in 2001 and gives information on various outlets of alternative energy. It does not suggest a need for a switch or give information on sustainability.
  • Buran, B., et al. "Environmental benefits of implementing alternative energy technologies in developing countries." Applied Energy 76.1 (2003): 89-100.

    This article studies the benefits of using alternative fuels in developing countries in 2003. It suggests that the benefits of alternative energy outweigh the negatives.
  • Bonvillian, William B., and Charles Weiss. "Stimulating innovation in energy technology." Issues in Science and Technology 26.1 (2009): 51.

    This article was published in 2009 and talks about the need to stimulate advancements in the knowledge and usage of alternative fuels.
  • Moriarty, Patrick, and Damon Honnery. "Preparing for a low-energy future." Futures 44.10 (2012): 883-892.

    This article was published in 2012 and shows the realization that fossil fuels are not sustainable, and it suggests methods to get away from them.