Pride and prejudice poster 300

Pride and Prejudice

  • Period: to

    Pride and Prejudice

  • Bingley comes to Netherfield

    Bingley comes to Netherfield
    Charles Bingley rents out the Netherfield home.
  • Mr. Collins announces his visit

    Mr. Collins announces his visit
    Mr. Collins sends a letter to Mr. Bennet stating that he is coming to visit the family.
  • Mr. Collins is engaged.

    Mr. Collins is engaged.
    Mr. Collins proposes to Elizabeth who in turn denies him repeadtedly. He turns to Charlotte Lucas for company andproposes to her. She accepts. Elizabeth disapproves.
  • Mr. Bingley leaves

    Mr. Bingley leaves
    Mr. Bingley leaves on busimess but is convinced by his sister and Mr. Darcy to leave for the winter.
  • The Gardiners leave

    The Gardiners leave
    The Gardiners leave for the winter and take Jane along with them in hopes that she will get over losing Mr. Bingley.
  • Lizzy visits Charlotte

    Lizzy visits Charlotte
    Elizabeth goes to visit Charlotte and while there sees Mr. Darcy.
  • Mr. Darcy proposes

    Mr. Darcy proposes
    Mr. Darcy proposes to Elizabeth whichs she denies due to his pride and involvement in the prevention of her sister's engagement.
  • Lydia elopes

    Lydia elopes
    Lydia runs off with Mr. Wickham under the impression that they were to wed. Darcy finds them and pays for a wedding.
  • Mr. Bingley proposes

    Mr. Bingley proposes
    Mr. Bingley Proposes to Jane and she accepts.
  • Lady Catherine comes for a visit

    Lady Catherine comes for a visit
    Lady Catherine comes for a surprise visit to verify that Elizabeth Bennet was NOT to marry her nephew, Mr. Darcy.
  • Proposal Round II

    Proposal Round II
    Mr. Darcy proposes for the second time to Elizabeth whichs she accepts this time.
  • Mr. Darcy gets permission

    Mr. Darcy gets permission
    Mr. Darcy asks Mr. Bennet for Elizabeth's hand in marriage,