
Polygraph Machine

By crk1012
  • The creation of the Polygraph

    The Polygraph machine was created byJohn Augustus Larson in 1921. He was a medical student at the University of California at Berkeley. It is also known as the lie detector. It is used to Detect lies. It detects lies by monitering changes in blood pressure and Galvanic skin responce.
  • First use of the Polygraph

    In the summer of 1921 John Larson was asked by the San Francisco Police Department to test a a man named William Hightower who was accused of murdering a priest. The results came up positive and he was convicted.
  • The polygraph's firsst appearance in a motion picture.

    In 1926 a polygraph machine was featured in the moving picture officer 444.
  • The death of John Larson

    On October 1st 1965 the inventor of the Polygraph machine died. John Larson was 72 when he died and he died at Berkeley in California.
  • The Polygraph was added to the Encyclopædia Britannica list of the greatest inventions ever.

    The Encyclopædia Britannica considered the polygraph one of the greatest inventions ever on its 2003 list of the greatest inventions.