Owen Sullivan Timeline

  • Birth

    a Cherokee woman had a Wuh-ten gave birth to a son name Sequoyah.
  • War of 1812

    Seqoyah had joined the U.S. army.
  • Period: to

    travelling to teach

    Sequoyah traveled to the Cherokee to teach
  • Finishing Education

    it took 12 long years to crate the alphabet.
  • A first constitution

    1833 the Cherokee wanted draft a constitution.
  • Trail of DEATH.

    1828 the U.S. government planned to move the Cherokee and and other nations off the Eastern land that settlers wanted too.
  • Leaving Home.

    October 1838 the u.s. Army sent troops to round up the Cherokee and march them to Oklahoma.

    by then Seqoyah was a old man he became sick and DIED.
  • still teaching.

    1848 Sequoyah went to mexico to visit a group that had not yet learn his alphabet.