Our Town- Emily

  • Emily's Birthday

    It is Emily's birthday, and she is looking back to this birthday after she died.
  • The twins are born

    Twins are born on this day, and Dr. Gibbs is the doctor of the town.
  • High School Commencement

    It is the high school commencement, after this, most people will go off and get married.
  • Emily and George get married

    On this day, Emily and George get married.
  • Mrs. Gibbs death

    In this year, Mrs. Gibbs passed away.
  • Emily's death

    Emily passed away from childbirth,
  • Act 3 starts. 9 years of George and Emily being married.

    9 Years have passed sense George and Emily have been married
  • Dr. Gibbs Death

    Dr. Gibbs died, and got a hospital named after him.