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  • Nikola Tesla is Born

    Nikola Tesla is Born
    Tesla was one of five children the son of Djuka Mandic and Milutin Tesla. He was born in Smiljan, Croatia, on July 10, 1856. His father pushed him to become a priest but he decided to chooses a life of science.
  • Tesla Enrolls in College

    Tesla Enrolls in College
    Nikola Tesla studied engineering at the Technical University at Graz, Austria, and the University of Prague. He studied hard the first year and finished with very high grades, but then he got into a disagreement with his teacher and it went down hill from there. He ended up dropping out after his third year.
  • Tesla has his idea for A.C.

    Tesla has his idea for A.C.
    For months Tesla had been stumped by A.C., he soon suffered a mental breakdown and was not expected to live much longer. But Tesla soon began to recover and one day while walking in the Varosliget City Park Budapest. He was walking with his friend Anthony Szigety, and when he had his idea he drew up the motor with a stick, in the sand
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    Tesla Works for Edison- NO ROOM FOR SOURCE

    Tesla and his good friend Anthony accepted jobs working for the continental Edison which had recently expanded to Paris, he installed lighting systems for opera houses, and he even submitted plans to upgrade some of Edison's products. Throughout this time Tesla did not receive a lot of compensation for his work and ended up quitting. For example after not receiving a bonus from Edison after improving Edison's dc dynamo. He had also moved to New York during this time, and had a failed company.
  • Tesla Electric Company

    Tesla Electric Company
    Funded by Alfred S. Brown and Charles F. Peck, the Tesla Electric Company was created. These two investors were sold on the Idea of Tesla's AC system after one of his presentations, however Tesla agreed to split his patents on a 50/50 basis in exchange for funding. Within a month the company filed for their first patent in there lab on 89 Liberty St. in New York. Tesla's friend Szigeti soon came to join him, and Tesla Electric was born.
  • The Tesla Coil is Invented

    The Tesla Coil is Invented
    Although this may not be his most important invention, it is probably the one he is most known for. This invention could wirelessly transmit energy which was revolutionary at the time, and was used in early radio antennas and telegraphy. To add to its many features it could produce over a quarter of a million volts, which was high at the time for transformer.
  • Tesla's Almost Noble Prize

    Tesla's Almost Noble Prize
    Tesla and Edison were to share the Nobel Prize in Physics, but it was speculated they would not share the award together. The committee did not deny that Tesla and Edison were their first choices, but instead Professor William Henry Bragg, a guy I have never heard of, won the award. They never released the true reason behind the change but given the back story between Tesla and Edison, I think we know why.
  • Nikola Tesla Dies

    Nikola Tesla Dies
    On January 7th, 1943 Tesla died of Coronary Thrombosis, in the Hotel New Yorker, he was 86 at his time of death. After he died the US Government confiscated all of his research, making it quite obvious he had many brilliant ideas.
  • Unit of Flux named After Telsa

    Unit of Flux named After Telsa
    He is only one of three Americans ever with a international unit of measurement named after them. A Tesla, which is symbolized by the unit T is a unit of Magnetic Flux Density.
  • Tesla has a Company Named after him

    Tesla has a Company Named after him
    With Elon Musk at the helm Tesla launched state of the art cars, and bears the name to pay Homage to Nikola Tesla. This company has made Tesla a house-hold name, and we will never forget who Nikola Tesla was and what he did.