Nicola Tesla Life

  • The birth

    He was born in a vilage close in Austrian empire borderw
  • A bad new

    This year Nicola's brother Daniel was killed in a riding accident
  • The univercity life

    He was study engineering and physics without getting the degree
  • His work

    He worked in the early 1880s in telefony at Thomas Edison
  • Becoming a American citizen

    In 1884 he become a american Citizen
  • His life between 1890- 1900

    In the 1890s Tesla invented electric oscillators, meters, improved lights and the high-voltage transformer known as the Tesla coil. He also experimented with X-rays, gave short-range demonstrations of radio communication two years before Guglielmo Marconi and piloted a radio-controlled boat around a pool in Madison Square Garden
  • The first Hydroelectric plant

    Nicola andWestinghouse lit the 1891 World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago and partnered with General Electric to install AC generators at Niagara Falls, creating the first modern power station.
  • Burnt up

    In 1895 Nicola's lab was burned
  • the end

    Tesla died in his room on January 7, 1943. Later that year the U.S. Supreme Court voided four of Marconi’s key patents, belatedly acknowledging Tesla’s innovations in radio. The AC system he championed and improved remains the global standard for power transmission.