David Bloor

  • Birth of David Bloor

    David Bloor is a British sociologist and philosopher of science, born on September 6, 1939. Bloor is bestknown for his contributions to the field of sociology of scientific knowledge, in which he has been a leading figure for over four decades. Bloor's work is characterized by a constructivist approach to science, as socially constructed through a process of negotiation and consensus-building among scientists.
  • " Knowledge and Social Imagery"

    One significant event in David Bloor's career was the publication of his influential book, "Knowledge and Social Imagery," in 1976. In this book, Bloor presents his theory of "strong programme" in the sociology of scientific knowledge, which argues that all aspects of scientific knowledge, including its content and validity, are socially constructed.
  • " A Social Theory of Knowledge "

    "Wittgenstein: A Social Theory of Knowledge" is a book written by David Bloor and published in 1991. In this book, Bloor explores the implications of Wittgenstein's philosophical work for the sociology of scientific knowledge. He argues that Wittgenstein's view of language as a social practice has important implications for the understanding of science as a social phenomenon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5niwyPoMw4
  • " Scientific Knowledge: A Sociological Analysis "

    "Scientific Knowledge: A Sociological Analysis" is a book written by David Bloor and published in 1996. The book presents a comprehensive overview of Bloor's sociological theory of scientific knowledge, which views science as a culturally and socially embedded enterprise. In this book, Bloor builds on his earlier work on the Edinburgh School of sociology and the sociology of scientific knowledge to provide a detailed and systematic exploration of his ideas.