Muckrakers Assignment

  • The Century of Dishonor

    The Century of Dishonor
    This was written by Helen Hunt Jackson. It exposed the US government's mistreatment of Native Americans.
  • How the Other Half Lives

    How the Other Half Lives
    This book was written by Jacob Riis. This book documented he squalid living conditions in New York City slums in the 1880s. It opened the eyes of Americans of the harsh conditions that immigrants and the poor were living in.
  • The History of the Standard Oil Company

    The History of the Standard Oil Company
    This was written by Ida Tarbell. This book was an exposer of the Standard Oil Company, run at that time by oil tycoon John D. Rockefeller, the richest figure in America's history.
  • The Shame of the Cities

    The Shame of the Cities
    This was written by Lincoln Steffens in 1904. This book exposed high-level corruption in America's major cities. Some cities were New York and Chicago.
  • The Jungle

    The Jungle
    This was written by Upton Sinclair, Jr. Sinclair wrote the novel to portray the harsh conditions and exploited lives of immigrants in the United States in Chicago and similar industrialized cities.
  • The Bitter Cry of the Children

    The Bitter Cry of the Children
    The author of this book is John Spargo. In this book he exposed the horrible working condition that children were in. He showed how the children worked, lived and died. It was published in 1906 but the definite date is unknown.