Moritz schlick 5

Moritz Schlick Timeline 1

  • Beginning of Mortiz Schlick

    Moritz Schlick was born April 14,1882 in Berlin Germany where he grew up as the son of a middle class factory worker. From there he attended the university of Berlin to study physics which then lead to receiving a PhD. In 1904, he eventually made his way into the study of philosophy.In 1910 he secured a position at Rostock, moving on to Kiel before assuming the chair of Naturphilosophie at Vienna in 1922.
  • Epistemology+

    In 191o he had written an ethical tract called Lebensweisheit which is a broad analysis for the concept of " The Boundaries of Scientific and Philosophical Concept-Formation." In this work Schlick provided a broad sketch of his understandings of scientific thought, which identifies the aim of science as the reduction of phenomena to relationships governed by law, thus exhibiting individual event as special cases of universal, exceptionless regularities.
  • "The Philosophical Significance of the Principle of Relativity"

    in 1915, Schlick wrote an essay titled" The Philosophical Significance of the Principle of Relativity." The essay was a significant development since it first presented certain philosophical tenets. In this work, Schlick discussed that Relativity is an objective, logical distinction between the representational framework in which scientific claims may be formulated and those claims themselves.
  • General Therory of Knowledge

    General Theory of Knowledge is notable for a key innovation in its treatment of concepts, for they are defined in terms of mathematical equations rather than reducing them to complexes of intuitive images. Schlick borrowed this idea of definitions by axioms which was from the recent works of Moritz Pasch.