Monarchs Timeline

  • Henry IV of France

    Henry IV of France
    Henry IV
    August 2, 1589-May 14, 1610
    1. Decloration of St. Cloud
    2. Wars of Religion
    3. Treaty of Vervins
    4. St. Bartholomews Day Massacre
    Henry IV gets a D because there were two events during his reign that were very negative.
  • Louis XIII of France

    Louis XIII of France
    May 14, 1640-May 14, 1643
    1. Day of Dupes
    2. Punishing Nobles
    3. Siege of La Rochelle
    Louis XIII would get a B- because Day of Dupes and Siege of La Rochelle were positive but Punishing Nobles had lasting negative effects.
  • Louis XIV of France

    Louis XIV of France
    May 14, 1643-September 1, 1715
    1. Dutch War
    2. La Fronde
    3. Dixieme
    Louis XIV would recieve a B+ because his reign was mostly positive, except the Dutch War.
  • Louis XV of France